International Conference on Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology 2016 (ICISET 2016)
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Item Bomb disposal Robot Discarding explosive through wireless controlled method(IEEE, 2016-10-28) Motaleb, Abdul Kadir Bin; Hoque, Mohammad Busayeed; Hoque, Md. AhsanulBomb disposal robot has been developed by different experts around the world to make an affordable and safe device which will be useful for emergency rescue support. A 6 DOF articulated robotic arm mounted on a moveable base is been developed to help bomb disposal squad to dispose bomb safely from distance. The whole operation of the robot can be performed wirelessly from a computer. DC servo motor is used as actuator of the arm, and the servo is controlled by the PWM signal generated by microcontroller. This report is concerned with the mathematical modeling of a 6 DOF robotic arm along with the methodology of the entire prototype development. Architectural and circuitry development are separately deliberated. Lastly, the performance of the developed robot has been discussed.Item Predicting the Popularity of Online News from Content Metadata(IEEE, 2016-10-28) Md. Taufeeq Uddin, Md. Taufeeq; Patwary, Muhammed Jamshed Alam; Ahsan, Tanveer; Alam, Mohammed ShamsulPopularity prediction of online news aims to predict the future popularity of news article prior to its publication estimating the number of shares, likes, and comments. Yet, popularity prediction is a challenging task due to various issues including difficulty to measure the quality of content and relevance of content to users; prediction difficulty of complex online interactions and information cascades; inaccessibility of context outside the web; local and geographic conditions; social network properties. This paper focuses on popularity prediction of online news by predicting whether users share an article or not, and how many users share the news adopting before publication approach. This paper proposes the gradient boosting machine for popularity prediction using features that are known before publication of articles. The proposed model shows around 1.8% improvement over previously applied techniques on a benchmark dataset. This model also indicates that features extracted from articles keywords, publication day, and the data channel are highly influential for popularity prediction.Item Design of an universal numeric segmented display and implementation of its decoder circuit in FPGA(IEEE, 2016-10-28) Kader, M.A.; Hossain, Kazi Sahadat; Munir, Mohammad Serajum; Dhar, Rajvi Sutra; Rahaman, Md. ArifurSegment display is very important in displaying numeric data. Although matrix display can be used to show any number with better font but it has some major disadvantages compared to segment display. Matrix display uses scanning techniques to show something, this technique is complex to implement and needs more memory. Here, a 20-segment display is proposed which can show numbers and mathematical symbols of 14 different languages. Also a decoder circuit is proposed which takes BCD input and generates output binary combination for 20-segment display of selected language. Finally a prototype of 20-segment display is implemented by LED’s and the decoder circuit is implemented in FPGA. The system is checked for 14 different languages and some mathematical symbols.Item Optimal Placement of Phasor Measurement Units for Transmission Grid Observability(IEEE, 2016-10-28) Shafiullah, Md; Rana, Md Juel; Alam, Md Shafiul; Uddin, Muhammad AtharPhasor Measurement Unit (PMU) provides both magnitude and phase information of current and voltage signals with appropriate time stamp which is very useful in controlling power system networks in real time. Consequently, PMU is considered as one of the most significant measurement devices for complete observability of the future electricity grids. But placing PMU in every bus of the network is not economically viable. This paper aims to place PMUs in different buses of electric network to ensure full network observability employing five evolutionary, colony and swarm optimization algorithms namely backtracking search algorithm (BSA), differential evolution (DE), artificial bee colony (ABC), particle swarm optimization (PSO) and invasive weed optimization (IWO). The proposed algorithms have been tested on IEEE 14-bus, 30-bus, 39-bus and 57-bus test networks. The obtained results illustrate the compatibility of the proposed schemes in compared to each other as well as in compared to available techniques in literatures.Item Frequency Domain Linear Prediction-Based Robust Text-Dependent Speaker Identification(IEEE, 2016-10-28) Islam, M. A.Speaker identification is a biometric technique of determining an unknown speaker's identity among a number of speakers using distinguish latent information of uttered speech. Crime investigation, security control, telephone banking and trading, and information reservation are some applications of this technique. Frequency Domain Linear Prediction (FDLP) is a time-frequency-based feature has been derived using 2-D autoregressive model. This feature was constructed from sub-bands short frame energies estimation. FDLP has been used in this study to propose a robust text-dependent speaker identification technique. The clean features were used to obtain speaker behavioural model. Support vector machine has been used to train the proposed method. This presented study was tested in both clean and noisy conditions to validate the method extensively. The proposed method got significant improved performance over all traditional methods performances in noisy conditions. The obtained performance was indicated; the proposed method was very robust to noises and showed consistent performance irrespective to noises.Item Automated Weather Event Analysis with Machine Learning(IEEE, 2016-10-28) Hasan, Nasimul; Uddin, Md. Taufeeq; Chowdhury, Nihad KarimWeather forecasting has numerous impacts in our daily life from cultivation to event planning. Previous weather forecasting models used the complicated blend of mathematical instruments which was insufficient in order to get higher classification rate. In contrast, simple analytical models are wellsuited for weather forecasting tasks. In this work, we focus on the weather forecasting by means of classifying different weather events such as normal, rain, and fog by applying comprehensible C4.5 learning algorithm on weather and climate features. The C4.5 classifier classifies weather events by building the decision tree using information entropy from the set of training samples. We conducted experiments on LA weather history dataset; from evaluation results, it is revealed that C4.5 classifier classifies weather events with f-score of around 96.1%. This model also indicates that climate features such as rainfall, visibility, temperature, humidity, and wind speed are highly discriminative toward events classification.Item Design of a low-cost lighting system for the rural areas of Bangladesh(IEEE, 2016-10-28) Yasin, Mohammad Salman; Islam, Mohammad Sharier; Biswas, Tanmoy; Rahman, M. SaidurThis study was conducted to find a solution to solve the problem of deprivation of light present in the rural society of Bangladesh. More than 50percent of our rural population are deprived of electricity. This in turns results in absence of light in houses. A device was designed using bottles, Light Emitting Diode, solar panel and battery for an alternative lighting system. This device is not so costly and can be reproduced very easily. Different variations of this device was tested using a light meter (Model-LX 1102). A brief overview of this newly proposed lighting system is discussed in the study.Item Solid State Lighting, A solution for Power Crisis in Bangladesh(IEEE, 2016-10-28) Zaman, K. M. Ahsan-uz; Ullah, Kafi Mohammad; Milon, Md. Shaidul Kabir; Sayam, A S M; Wahed, AbdulElectricity is the most usable form of energy. For a developing country like Bangladesh, electricity plays an important factor. Due to increasing population and rapid industrial growth, the country lags behind than its rising demand of electric power supply. Power generation in Bangladesh is mostly dependent on natural gas, coal and fossil fuel which are also responsible for carbon emission. Alternative measures should be taken to resolve this power crisis. If the present power consumption can be reduced using smart energy efficient appliances then it would be possible to meet up the demand of the consumers with the present production capacity. Lighting is responsible for a gentle amount of energy consumption over the year. In this paper we discussed about using smart technologies like Solid State Lighting in terms of reducing energy consumption on lighting sector. Light emitting diode (LED) based solid state lighting technology have potential to exceed the efficiency of conventional lamp based lighting systems. LED offers better quality in lighting, have much longer lifespan and comparatively better on durability with only drawback of initial high pricing. In terms of much longer lifespan, this initial cost is not much accountable. This paper represents the features and efficiency of solid state lighting as well as comparison among conventional lighting and LEDs.Item Structural, Dielectric and Conductivity Studies of Ni-Cu-Cd Ferrite Nanoparticles(IEEE, 2016-10-28) Arifuzzaman, M.; Abden, M.J.; Ahmed, S.K.; Belal Hossen, M.In this study, the nanoparticles (NPs) of Ni0.6Cu0.1Cd0.3Fe2O4 (NCCF) ferrite was successfully synthesized by sol-gel auto combusted process. The effects of temperature and size on the structural, dielectric and conductivity properties of NCCF ferrite nanoparticles were investigated. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis of the NPs annealed at 550 and 700 ºC displayed the single phase cubic spinel structure with the particle size of 11 and 17 nm, respectively. The surface morphology of the annealed NCCF ferrite nanoparticles was studied by using field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM). Dielectric constant of larger particles shows higher values at low frequency as well as lower dielectric loss tangent. Ac conductivity shows conventional trend with size effects.Item Design Evolution of Planar Slot Antennas for Ultrawideband Wireless Communication(IEEE, 2016-10-28) Azim, Rezaul; Islam, Mohammad TariqulThe design evolution of planar ultra-wideband slot antennas is presented in this paper. The basic antenna with a Tshaped radiator and ground plane with wide slot is able to exhibit UWB characteristics. Insertion of a curve slit in the front side of the basic antenna helps to generate a stop band at around 3.5GHz while etching of a pair of symmetric slits in the rear side helps to produce a stop band for WLAN. Dual stop band centered at 3.5GHz and 5.5GHz can be obtained by putting both types of slits together. The insertion of slits does not alter the size and shape of basic antenna which gives us an upper hand in the designing of UWB antenna with notch band/s.Item Human Facial Feature Detection Based on Skin Color and Edge Labeling(IEEE, 2016-10-28) Khaliluzzaman, Md.In the recent years facial feature detection and recognition is an interesting and challenging work in the field of image processing in which facial region detection is the most basic step. This paper proposes a framework for detecting the facial region and facial features from a frontal facial image. Initially, an RGB facial image is used to detect the facial region. In the next step, the facial features, i.e. eyebrows, eyes, nose, and lips regions are detected from the extracted facial region. For that, the binary information is used to detect the facial region from the input facial image. After that, the RGB image is converted into YCbCr based skin color image from where the edges of the facial features are extracted. In the next step, labeling operation is performed on the edge image to identify the location of the facial features region. Various frontal facial images are utilized to evaluate the proposed framework and presented outcomes demonstrate the adequacy.Item Adopting Factors of Electronic Human Resource Management: Evidence from Bangladesh(IEEE, 2016-10-28) Masum, Abdul Kadar Muhammad; Alam, Md. Golam Rabiul; Alam, Mohammed Shamsul; Azad, Md. Abul KalamThe incorporation of information technology (IT) instincts the legacy of human resource management (HRM) towards agile HRM. To achieve agility, this paper explores the factors or determinants inducing the organisation decisions to adopt electronic human resource management (eHRM) in organisations of Bangladesh through structural equation modeling (SEM) of data science. To realize the influencing determinants, a research model was developed based on technology-organisation-environment (TOE) model. A total number of 320 respondents were participated from 48 organisations in Bangladesh using simple random sampling. The SEM results indicate that perceived compatibility, perceived cost, top management support, organisational culture, centralisation, IT vendor support, and government support have significant influence on management decision of e-HRM adoption. The applied implication of the findings and the scope of future studies are deliberated at the end of this paper.Item Prospects and potential of biogas technology in Bangladesh(IEEE, 2016-10-28) Nahian, Md. Rafsan; Islam, Md. NurulThe issues of energy crisis, depletion of fossil fuel and global warming are growing concern in the world. To cope up with this situation, the role of renewable energy is becoming more and more significant to meet partially demand of global energy. Biogas is an auspicious renewable energy source that can solve the energy crisis problem at a great extent. As Bangladesh is an agricultural country, it has blessed with plenty of biomass which has been used for extracting energy by generating biogas. Animal manures being accessible in the rural areas are greatly used in producing biogas to be used for cooking and electricity. In Bangladesh around 59.6% of the total population is covered by electricity and 6% is covered under natural gas network. About 62.59% of total electricity develops from natural gas. The main concern of this paper is to quantify the solution of energy crisis through biogas and assess the economical, environmental and social impacts of biogas technology in Bangladesh.Item Effects of Buffer Size and Mobility Models on the Optimization of Number of Message Copies for Multi-Copy Routing Protocols in Scalable DelayTolerant Networks(IEEE, 2016-10-28) Hossen, Md. Sharif; Ahmed, Md. Tofael; Rahim, Muhammad SajjadurIn Delay-Tolerant Network (DTN), there exists a lack of direct path from source to destination, and it is also featured by extremely high bit error rate, unwanted delay, limited resource, etc. For such network, we have investigated the effects of buffer size and mobility models on the optimization of the number of message copies for multi-copy routing protocols such as Spray-and-Focus (SNF) and Spray-and-Wait (SNW). This investigation is essential for providing us with the insight on the number of message copies that would provide better delivery, lower latency and lower overhead considering the effects of buffer size and mobility models in scalable delay-tolerant networks. In this investigation, we have considered three performance metrics, namely delivery probability, average latency, and overhead ratio. Simulation is done using Opportunistic Network Environment (ONE) simulator, which is designed basically for evaluating the performance of DTN routing strategies. Here we have considered three mobility models, namely Shortest Path Map Based (SPMB) movement, Random Walk, and Random Direction. Simulation results show that for increasing buffer size and number of nodes on these considered mobility models for a particular value of number of message copies, indicated by L, SNF routing exhibits satisfactory performance, especially in the case of SPMB movement using only L = 2 copies. Since our purpose is to provide a satisfactory performance, i.e., higher delivery, lower latency and lower overhead, SNW routing shows overall good performance using L = 10 copies. Therefore, it would be a good optimization using Shortest Path Map Based movement model using L = 2 copies for SNF routing, and L = 10 copies for SNW in scalable DTN scenario, where there may be a high possibility of varying buffer size with number of mobile nodes.Item Optoelectronic Performance of Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting InGaAs/InP QW Laser in non-conventional orientation(IEEE, 2016-10-28) Roy, Sourav; Kabir, Md. Imtiaz; Mamun, K.M Abdullah AlHere, the optoelectronic performance of lattice matched InGaAs/InP vertical cavity surface emitting LASER is numerically simulated using MATLAB in (100), (110), (111), (113) and (131) crystal orientation by solving an eight-band k.p Hamiltonian using finite difference scheme including spin-orbit coupling. Tensor plane rotation formulae is applied to change the wave-vector k and Hamiltonian from orthodox (100) plane orientation. It is shown that there is a notable interrelationship between optical emission spectra and crystal plane orientations. The highest and lowest gains are estimated in (111) and (100) orientations with their respective peak emission wavelengths of 1770nm and 1680 nm at the carrier injection density of 2.5 × 1018 cm-3. The outcome of this paper would be a stimulus to design ultra-speed optoelectronic devices with performance amelioration by using non-100 oriented epitaxial layers.Item Selection of Better Strategy for Self Organized Data Aggregation Techniques using Evolutionary Game Theory(IEEE, 2016-10-28) Kader, Md. Salehin Ferdous; Hossain, Mir Muntasir; Ghose, Sanchita; Zafreen, Kazi RehnumaSelf Organized Data Aggregation Technique applying Evolutionary Game Theory is one of the most effective methods to select the optimum strategy for Delay Tolerant Network (DTN). In DTN, reliable end-to-end data transfer is provided by custody transfer mechanism where special nodes (custodians) exchange information with custody following hopby-hop manner. For multi cluster Delay Tolerant Network, message ferrying approach is considered here. Now, the strategy selection (to become an aggregator or sender) is considered as a game in Evolutionary Game Theory, where, each node will draw result after interaction. For strategy selection, Imitation Update Rule of Evolutionary Game Theory has been utilized. We will focus mainly on the Birth-Death and Death-Birth Update Rules of Evolutionary Game Theory and select the better Update rules among three update rules.Item Development of a telemedicine model with low cost portable tool kit for remote diagnosis of rural people in Bangladesh(IEEE, 2016-10-28) Prodhan, Uzzal Kumar; Rahman, Mohammad Zahidur; Abid, Ahsin; Bellah, MohtasimIn this paper we have developed a Telemedicine model with portable tool kit for remote patients to collect vital signs of patients which are used for Telemedicine services. This developed system is low cost, portable, and easily maintainable and can be integrated with any complex health system. We have used the GNU health where local doctors can communicate with a low cost terminal. Expert doctors can also take part through this terminal and deliver treatment to the patients. The patient’s medical history is stored in GNU health database and accessed from the remote terminal. We have successfully designed the system and collected the patient's data. Through our developed android apps, the data will be stored in the staging server. From the staging server, any health system can collect the data and give the services to the rural people. Finally we can conclude that, Telemedicine service can be given effectively by using our portable tool kit in a cost effective manner which improves the quality and accessibility especially in rural areas.Item A Comparative Analysis among PWM Control Z-source Inverter with Conventional PWM Inverter for Induction Motor Drive(IEEE, 2016-10-28) Islam, Md. Khurshedul; Zaved, Md. Mustafa; Siddiky, Air Mohammad; Mamun, Khandakar Abdulla AlThe uses of induction motor is ever-growing day by day because of its superiority and high efficiency over dc machine. So for wide range of use in the industry, this machine requires an efficient driver circuitry arrangement. Currently conventional Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) or Current Source Inverter (CSI) is dealing as key part in the field of induction motor driver circuit. These converters fail to perform at our desire level due to some crucial drawbacks like they can perform as either buck or boost operation and they contain considerable amount of harmonics as well as EMI noise. So we are trying to replace these traditional inverters by PWM control Z-Source Inverter (ZSI) which offers buck-boost operation capability by utilizing shoot through state and provides less EMI noise. This paper presents a comparative study among these three inverters. Firstly three MATLAB simulation model of Induction motor driver by using VSI, CSI and ZSI (having almost same environment) have arranged. Then some important motor characteristics such as rotor speed, electromagnetic torque, rotor current and stator current have observed for three system models at various loading conditions. The model using Z-source inverter exhibits efficient performance in all cases compared to the other models.Item Short Term Wind Speed Forecasting Using Artificial Neural Network: A Case Study(IEEE, 2016-10-28) Masrur, Hasan; Nimol, MeasThe intermittency of wind speed is very challenging in order to produce wind energy via wind turbine to synchronize with the power system. The accurate wind forecasting models are very important for effective power system management. There are many ways have been introduced for short term accurate wind forecasting. In this paper, Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is used with feed forward back propagation algorithm to forecast short-term wind speed of Asian Institute of Technology (AIT). After simulating the model in MATLAB, the result shows that the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) between the predicted and measured wind speed is quite low and noteworthy. It represents the high prediction correctness of short-term wind speed forecasting using the above mentioned model.Item Logical Clipper and De-clipper Technique to Reduce PAPR from OFDM Signal(IEEE, 2016-10-28) Raza, Md. Salim; Hasan, Md. Mhedi; Islam, Md. Obidul; Ali, Md. ShahjahanOrthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) is the most effective technique for high speed wireless communication systems. The key challenge of OFDM based transceiver is its large peak to average power ratio (PAPR) due to non-linearity effects of power amplifier at final stage of OFDM transmitter. In this work performance of OFDM system using logical clipper and de-clipper in the OFDM transmitter and receiver respectively has been studied. In the proposed method the clipped portion of the signal is transmitted as side information which is subsequently used by the receiver to reproduce the original signal. The whole system was simulated in MATLAB environment considering AWGN channel. It is observed that the proposed system can significantly reduce PAPR of OFDM signal.