Effects of Buffer Size and Mobility Models on the Optimization of Number of Message Copies for Multi-Copy Routing Protocols in Scalable DelayTolerant Networks

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In Delay-Tolerant Network (DTN), there exists a lack of direct path from source to destination, and it is also featured by extremely high bit error rate, unwanted delay, limited resource, etc. For such network, we have investigated the effects of buffer size and mobility models on the optimization of the number of message copies for multi-copy routing protocols such as Spray-and-Focus (SNF) and Spray-and-Wait (SNW). This investigation is essential for providing us with the insight on the number of message copies that would provide better delivery, lower latency and lower overhead considering the effects of buffer size and mobility models in scalable delay-tolerant networks. In this investigation, we have considered three performance metrics, namely delivery probability, average latency, and overhead ratio. Simulation is done using Opportunistic Network Environment (ONE) simulator, which is designed basically for evaluating the performance of DTN routing strategies. Here we have considered three mobility models, namely Shortest Path Map Based (SPMB) movement, Random Walk, and Random Direction. Simulation results show that for increasing buffer size and number of nodes on these considered mobility models for a particular value of number of message copies, indicated by L, SNF routing exhibits satisfactory performance, especially in the case of SPMB movement using only L = 2 copies. Since our purpose is to provide a satisfactory performance, i.e., higher delivery, lower latency and lower overhead, SNW routing shows overall good performance using L = 10 copies. Therefore, it would be a good optimization using Shortest Path Map Based movement model using L = 2 copies for SNF routing, and L = 10 copies for SNW in scalable DTN scenario, where there may be a high possibility of varying buffer size with number of mobile nodes.



intermittently connected mobile networks;, delaytolerant networks, routing, opportunistic network environment simulator, buffer size, mobility models, average delay, delivery probability, overhead ratio





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