IIUC Business Review
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Item A statistical analysis of the relationship between working capital management and profitability: Evidence from selected manufacturing companies of Bangladesh(International Islamic University Chittagong, 2021-12) Hossain, Mohammad EmdadThe aim of this study is to measure the relationship between working capital management and profitability. The research is based on secondary data derived from annual reports of companies listed on Bangladeshi stock exchanges. The sample spans nine years, from 2011 to 2019, and includes 52 manufacturing enterprises in Bangladesh, including 20 pharmaceutical companies and 32 textile companies. The cash conversion cycle is significantly positively associated with profitability, the average collection period is significantly negatively associated with profitability, and the inventory conversion period is also significantly negatively associated with profitability, but the average payable period is not significantly associated with profitability. This research adds to the literature by focusing on working capital management and profitability, particularly in the textile and pharmaceutical industries. There have been a few research on this topic, however they are limited in sample size and time period. This research looks at all active businesses in these two industries. As a result, policymakers in these disciplines may utilize these findings to make decisions.Item Credit Market & Economic Development of Bangladesh: Review, Impact Analysis and Constraints(CRP (International Islamic University Chittagong), 2006-08) Karim, Mohammed Shamsul; Rabbi, YasirSupplv of credit and economic development arc inter related. The evolut ion of credit is more than 9000 rears back. Front the very beginning of history, credit performed different types of function embedded [rom the transferring process of resources to the he/ping the poor to alleviate the povcrtv /('I'cI. There are different I,i('\\'s of credit, which are leveled as old views, monetary views and modern views, While monetarv views preferred restriction on credit for the balanced development of the economy, the modern views have worked to diminish the credit market imperfection for the expected economic development. Because of credit market imperfection, credit was }IOT allocated proportionately in different sectors in Bangladesh, Moreover, the total credit market \I'as not coordinated, Here, micro credit market was remaining out of any kind of surveillance. To overcome (lin' kind of imperjection, appropriate legal system need to be developed in Bangladesh considering the wholestic view of credit, In addition, institutional surveillance for micro credit and access to credit information is essential to overcome the market imperfection ami for the economic development of Bangladesh,Item Credit risk management of conventional banks and Islamic banks in Bangladesh(CRP, International Islamic University Chittagong, Bangladesh, 2017-12) Noman, Abu Hanifa Md.This paper examines credit risk management (CRM) process of both conventional banks (CBs) and Islamic banks (IBs) in Bangladesh. A set of structured questionnaires has been used in the investigation process. The study incorporates perceived opinions of 96 credit officers working for 17 CBs, and 5 IBs in Bangladesh. This study has found that the risk officers of private commercial banks in Bangladesh are competent in overall credit risk management process. Further, it has also found a significant difference between the credit officers working for CBs, and IBs on understanding and managing credit risk, and credit risk identification, however, no significant difference has been observed in credit risk assessment, credit risk monitoring and controlling, and CRM practices.Item Determinants of age at first motherhood in Bangladesh(CRP, International Islamic University Chittagong, Bangladesh, 2016-12) Alam, Mohammad Manjur; Hoq, Mohammad Nazmul; Hossain, Mohammad EmdadFemale‟s age at first motherhood is an important determinant of fertility process, which also indicates the status of female in a society. In this research, an attempt has been made to evaluate the female‟s age to give their first birth as well as its significant covariates by utilizing the data extracted from 2011 Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey (BDHS). Univariate, bivariate, and multivariate Cox proportional hazard model have been used to identify the association between age at first motherhood and selected background variables. The average age at first motherhood of this study is found to be only 17.92 years. Median age at first motherhood is close to the mean age at 17 years. The study shows that age at first cohabitation is significantly negatively correlated with the timing of first motherhood, while the age at first cohabitation is positively correlated with age at first motherhood. In bivariate analysis, all independent variables are strongly associated with age at first motherhood. The findings of multivariate analysis indicate that age at first cohabitation, spousal age difference, ever use of any method, respondents‟ current age, and respondents‟ education are found to be the significant covariates of age at first motherhood in Bangladesh.Item Determinants of dividend policy of Islamic banks in Bangladesh(International Islamic University Chittagong, 2021-12) Mazumder, Manjurul AlamIslamic Banks are playing an important role in the economic expansion of Bangladesh. There are ten Islamic Banks working in Bangladesh economy. The present study is to explore the factors of dividend policy of Islamic Banks in Bangladesh. The research is based on only secondary data and sample of seven Islamic banks out of ten Islamic banks. The relevant data have been gathered from annual report of sample companies from 2010-2020. Descriptive statistics and multiple regressions are used to examine the data. This study revealed that firm size as well as liquidity have substantial positive influence and financial leverage has significant adverse effect. The study appears to convey an immense academic value since a limited research have been commenced in this ground. It may be supportive to the possessors of Islamic Banks, Management, Educational researcher and the policy makers who have been creating endeavor to the progress of Islamic Banks as well as the economy of the country as a whole.Item Effective Method of Teaching English at the Tertiary Level: A Study in the Context of Bangladesh((CRP), International Islamic University Chittagong, Bangladesh), 2006-08) Yasmin, SelimThis article deals with the teaching learning process of English as a foreign language. In the present world English is the main media of communication. But the present condition of English teaching learning process in the educational institutions of Bangladesh is very poor. So, it has become essential for the Bangladeshis to learn this international language correctly and efficiently. This article is based all personal observation and experience of the author. After discussing the importance of learning English in Bangladesh, the present condition of teaching English in the Tertiary Level and its drawbacks have been pointed out. Different methods of language teaching learning process have also been incorporated in the paper. It was obvious from the study that the Eclectic Approach may be the best approach in teaching English as a foreign language. Some measures have been suggested at the end of the article for making teaching- learning process more effectiveItem Environmental disclosures: A study on some selected pharmaceutical and chemical companies in Bangladesh(CRP, International Islamic University Chittagong, Bangladesh, 2017-12) Ahmad, Afzal; Khan, Mohammad Aktaruzzaman; Abdullah, Al Amin Mohammad; Rashid, Md. HarunThis study attempts to address the environmental disclosure practices in listed pharmaceutical and chemical industries in Bangladesh. The authors developed a disclosure index to measure the extent of environmental disclosure prepared by companies in their annual reports. It is observed that the considerable amount of environmental information is disclosed by a few pharmaceutical and chemical companies while a large number of companies ignore the information concerning the issue. The study also found a significant variation of environment disclosures among the companies. However, this study put recommendations to the government and regulatory bodies of the concerned companies to take necessary actions in such a way that the all pharmaceutical and chemical industries of Bangladesh are motivated and compelled to address the environmental issue in their annual reports. Moreover, this will contribute to the existing literature by creating awareness among the users as well as to the preparation of the annual reports in disclosing more relevant information.Item Gender diversity and earnings management: Evidence from Bangladesh(CRP, Center for Research and Publication, 2022-12) Uddin, Mohammad HelalThis study aims to evaluate the impact of Gender-diversity on earnings manipulation using both accrual and real earnings management techniques. All the data has been gathered from yearly reports of recorded non-financial organizations in Bangladesh from 2011 to 2019; after necessary diagnostic checking, this study finally uses the OLS regression model to evaluate the relationship. Findings show that the non-financial organizations of Bangladesh are practicing both forms of earnings management simultaneously. Evidence illustrates that female directors on the board have no significant association with any proxies of accrual earnings management but are significantly positively associated with abnormal discretionary expenses. Moreover, the gender diversity of CEOs is negatively connected with abnormal production costs and positively associated with abnormal cash flow from operating activities, and the relationship is statistically significant. Policymakers and other stakeholders can use these findings to give more concentration on the issue of women's involvement at the corporate level and the development of governance issues.Item Government Plans and Programmes for Poverty Alleviation in Rural Bangladesh: A Critical Appraisal((CRP), International Islamic University Chittagong, Bangladesh), 2006-08) Nahar, NurunAlleviation of poverty has been one of the core objectives 0/ the successive Plans 0/ Bangladesh. The growth in GDP during the period of all the plans was much below the target. The plansfailed to have desired impact on growth, income and wealth distribution. Neither the overall growth nor poverty focused sectoral development nor did structural changes, nor institutional reforms (land reform and administrative decentralization) take place after independence in any meaningful way to make a major breakthrough in poverty alleviation. The Government has introduced many programmes for socio-economic upliftment of the rural poor in Bangladesh. However, the poverty situation, despite showing some signs of improvement, is still very acute. The paper highlights the reasons for the less than expected levels of impact of the GOB programmes on poverty and suggests policy measures for future course of action. The micro-credit programmes implemented by government agencies as well as NGOs have some positive impacts in the programme-areas in terms 0/ education, employment, productivity and socio-economic conditions. In this respect, the BRDB's RD-12 programme has been a viable project. Employments in non farm sector and participation of women in the labour force have increased. A comparison between the approaches of GO and NGO programmes in poverty alleviation is given. Nevertheless, in spite of the various interventions over the years, alleviation of poverty remains a major challenge/or Bangladesh.Item Management of Sadaqah through social enterprises: A study on Anjuman Mufidul Islam Bangladesh(CRP, International Islamic University Chittagong, Bangladesh, 2017-12) Kabir, Mohammad Rokibul; Sobhani, Farid A.; Kausar, AflatunalIslam prefers a society where justice and equity is maintained and any business upholding the social justice and equity by ensuring social and environmental sustainability may be considered as a business in accordance with Islamic principles. In fact, social enterprises are such business concerns in modern context. Instead of scatter contribution of Sadaqah, its efficient use through the establishment of social enterprises may help ensuring social justice and uphold the prime purpose of Islamic financial systems. Anjuman Mufidul Islam, Bangladesh is one of such enterprises and the study is an endeavor to evaluate the management of Sadaqah by this enterprise. The research also attempts to propose a model for efficient management of Sadaqah through social enterprises. The secondary sources of data collected from the annual report of Anjuman Mufidul Islam, Bangladesh have been used to evaluate how well it is managing Sadaqah and a model for efficient use of Sadaqah has been proposed based on the existing models of social enterprises.Item Nexus between exports, imports and foreign direct investment: Evidence from Bangladesh(International Islamic University Chittagong, 2021-12) Daror, Hudayfe Osman; Ahmed, Zobayer; Muhumed, Muhumed MohamedForeign Direct Investment (FDI) plays a significant role in international trade (IT). Numerous recent studies focused on the FDI-IT nexus and found a strong interrelation between the two variables. The current research empirically examines the causal linkage among imports, exports, and FDI in Bangladesh, utilizing available time-series data from 1980-2015. The study finds that the long-run equilibrium association exists among Exports, Imports and FDI. The study also finds unidirectional causality running from imports and exports to FDI, meaning the rise and fall of exports and imports cause an increase or decrease in FDI of Bangladesh, respectively, and there is no other long-run causality found among other variables. In the short run, unilateral causality is running from imports to FDI, imports to export and exports to FDI. These empirical findings mean that expanding trade can be used to attract more FDI in Bangladesh. Therefore, the study findings strongly support the notion that international trade (exports and imports) stem from the attraction of FDI.Item Revisiting the impact of green human resource management practices on the sustainable environmental performance: An emerging economy perspective(CRP, Center for Research and Publication, 2018-12) Hasan, Abu Nayeem MohammadThe study examined the Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) practices that are significantly influential to the sustainable environmental performance of organizations. The study employed a quantitative method to analyze data, collected from 143 HR professionals of different establishments from ready-made garments & steel industries in Bangladesh. The purpose of the study is to investigate the connection and impact of GHRM practices on organizational sustainable environmental performance, to an extent, to identify the degree of the factor’s stimulus sustainability. Following previous works on this area, the study has revealed significant impacts of green reward & incentives, green training & development, green performance & management, and knowing green HRM, green organizational culture, and insignificant impact of green recruitment & selection on the sustainable environmental performance of organizations. The findings of the study might help HR managers and leaders in the organization by providing a constructive view of HR management practices. Furthermore, the contribution of this paper lies in enriching the scope and depth of green HRM in the emerging sustainable environmental performance of organizations.Item Role of financial inclusion on bank stability in Bangladesh(International Islamic University Chittagong, 2021-12) Chowdhury, Mohim Uddin,; Md Noman, Abu HanifaThis study investigates the role of financial inclusion on bank stability in Bangladesh. Financial inclusion indicates equality and availability of financial products to individuals and businesses, which is captured with natural logarithm of number of ATM per 100 thousand of people (lnATM), log of number of bank branch (lnBB), ratio of Private Credit to Gross Domestic Product (PCGDP), ratio of financial system deposit to GDP (FSDGDP). Conversely, bank stability is proxied by natural logarithm of Z-score (lnZ-score), and ratio of non-performing loan to gross loan (NPL ratio). In the investigation process, we have used an unbalanced panel dataset consisting of all commercial banks from Bangladesh over the 2002-2014 period. Controlling a number of bank-level and macro-economic variables, the random effect model demonstrates that financial inclusion is positively related with bank solvency and negatively related credit risk taking. The results suggest that financial inclusion is supportive for promoting bank stability in Bangladesh. Therefore, the paper proposes to bolster financial innovation in order to increase financial in Bangladesh.