Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE)

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    Robust Power System Stabilizer For Multi-Machine Power Networks Using Tunicate Swarm Algorithm And Equilibrium Optimizer
    (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2022-04) TAYEB, JAHID HASAN; GANI, SAYED MD. ABRAR
    Low-frequency oscillations (LFO) in power systems can cause a lot of interruptions, which can cause the system to become unstable. Low-frequency oscillation has frequently been reduced and long-term stability improved through the use of stabilizers in power systems. This thesis represents two new methods of modeling robust power system stabilizers (PSS) for multi machine networks using the Equilibrium optimizer (EO) and tunicate swarm algorithm (TSA). To improve system damping, a damping ratio-based goal function is considered, and a commonly utilized traditional lead-lag type PSS structure is employed. LFO recurring interruptions are the fundamental cause of system instability and dependability. Data from the past shows that the employment of stabilizers in power systems has resulted in a reduction in low-frequency oscillations, and that long-term stability has steadily improved with the passage of time. In power system stabilizer we optimize the parameter of lead-lag type PSS for a robust power system using TSA and EO. Specifically, we investigate the performance of two separate systems, one with four machines on a 11-bus system and the other with ten machines on a 39- bus system. By optimizing the parameter of the TSA-based PSS and the EO-based PSS demonstrate the robustness and effectiveness of the two power network systems. The comparison of the simulation findings with other established optimization technique like particle swarm optimization (PSO) shows that TSA and EO are more efficient and robust. According to the simulation findings, the TSA and EO technique decreases the settling time and maximum overshoot more significantly than the other choices
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    Design And Implementation Of Iot- Based Green Agricultural Environment Monitoring System
    (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2022-04) JALAL, MOHAMMAD; ISLAM, MOHAMMAD JAMSEDUL
    In the field of agriculture farmers are mostly depend on weather condition for their cultivating crops. The IoT-based Environmental Weather Monitoring System project is used to get live reporting of weather conditions. The Internet of Things, has the largest influence in agriculture. Green networks in the Internet of Things helps to reduce emissions and pollutions, while also maximizing environmental conservation and surveillance and lowering operating costs and power usage. In this project, we present a low cost system for real-time monitoring of the environment. The system consists of several sensors is used for measuring environmental parameters. The parameters such as temperature, humidity, soil moisture, air quality, pH of the soil and rain level has been measured. The measured values from the sensors has been processed by the core controller. The Arduino Nano has been used as a core controller. To reduce the wastage of electrical cost we use solar system. This project will save our time by providing environmental parameters data in a single website with two weeks prediction value of weather using machine learning algorithm. Good result has been obtained by cultivating the crop at the specified time. Finally, the sensor data is viewed on website and LCD also displays the output correspondingly. Over all it’s exceptional advantage people easily influenced to use the system, and it will be asset in field of agriculture for every country.
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    Economic Dispatch Problem Including Renewable Energy Using Generalized Normal Distribution Optimization And Bald Eagle Search Optimization Algorithm
    (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2022-04) HOQUE, SADMANUL; ADNAN, SAYMUN
    Economic Dispatch (ED) problem is an essential optimization problem in electrical power system.It is to schedule the committed generating units outputs so as to meet the required load demand at minimum operating cost while satisfying all units and system equality and inequality constraints. Furthermore, renewable energy resources such as wind and solar have been a promising option due to environmental concerns as fossil fuel reserves are depleted, fuel prices rise quickly, and emissions rise. However, the uncertain nature of wind and solar irradiation due to weather and climate change and the integration of renewable power generation systems complicates the ED formulation. The Bald Eagle Search (BES) Optimization algorithm and Generalized Normal Distribution Optimization (GNDO) are proposed to solve the ED problem. To show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, four case studies are used to illustrate the proposed algorithm's ability. Finally, the results of the proposed algorithm are compared to other optimization techniques such as WOA, FPA, MODE, GA, PSO, and GSA. The results indicate that BES and GNDO can achieve lower total costs than the other optimization techniques.
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    Smart Hybrid Power Consumption System for Green Future Energy: Cost and Social Benefits Analysis
    (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2022-07) Nupur, Kamrun Nahar; Salim, Sumaita Binte
    The purpose of this thesis is to lead smart power grid system towards focusing on green future energy. The research world is always looking for mobility and different innovative work types for making human life more upgraded and easier. Due to coping with the ongoing modern world, the energy demand also increases dramatically over the years. Consequently, to meet that energy demand and bring sustainability over the grid system research world is diverting towards renewable energy more and sustainable energy. Various countries of the world have come forward in the age of smart grid and acknowledge its verity. Several are working on smart grid pilot project or taking persuasive of this concept for experimenting and research with the purpose of testing probabilities before on full scale advancement and change. To lessen carbon emission and energy security, government of various countries all over the world are already seeing possibilities like smart grid. Reviewing the scenario of smart grid system for all over the world, Asian region and for Bangladesh, the purpose of this thesis is to design a hybrid power system with PV and conventional power plant for leading the smart grid system towards focusing on green future energy. The further explanation is about the designed model by MATLAB Simulink approaching to smart grid development. In addition, the comprehensive analysis of power consumption for about 30 years, CO2 emission calculation only for conventional power system, PV system implementation cost, CO2 emission comparison with and without the proposed system, CO2 reduction rate analysis and social benefit, consumer benefit for about 30 years after combining the PV system with conventional power system. Finally, the paper concludes with the suggestions of environment impact analysis as well as green future energy.
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    Techno-Economic Assessment Of Pso Optimized Microgrid With Hydrogen Storage System
    (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2022-07) IKRAM, ARAFAT IBNE; ROCKY, MD. KAMRUZZAMAN
    Microgrids are designed to utilize the renewable energy sources and it is a revolutionary choice in terms of reducing the environmental effect of excessive GHG emissions while producing electricity. The intermittency of renewable generation poses challenges to the technical and economic feasibility of microgrid operation, which conveys the integration of hybrid energy storage systems. In recent decades, Several researched has already been concluded in search of reliable and economically feasible hybrid energy storage. Hydro gen storage have been considered to be a key vector for enhancing the effectiveness of renewable and sustainable energy storage. The hydrogen ecosystem would be deemed a fully green energy storage system if we could manufacture hydrogen from renewable en ergy sources, store it, and utilize it in times of energy shortage. Here we have presented a model for evaluating the technical, economical feasibility and the environmental impact on a Grid-connected Microgrid integration scenarios consisting hybrid energy storage system. Microgrid model was comprised Photovoltaic Panel, Wind turbine, Lead-Acid battery, Electrolyzer, Fuel cell, and H2 cylinder tank. Microgrid component’s analogous model was presented by the mathematical function by which we estimated annual hourly renewable generation based on given resources. In order to consider the load uncertainty, load consumption model for 50 homes was generated using Gaussian process. The mi crogird components sizing was done by Particle Swarm optimization technique (PSO) to minimize the installation upfront cost as well as levelized cost of energy ($/kWh). We used an energy dispatched strategy for smartly distribute energy among energy storage’s and load consumption model and reduce the loss of power supply probability (LPSP). We tested different microgrid’s energy penetration levels of 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% in terms of peak power distribution capabilities to load demand respective to conventional grid, where, Microgrid’s 100% integration capabilities try to maintain the full load de mand and not bought energy from conventional grid. And we found different LCOE and annual GHG emission for each integration scenario and easily distinguish which system performed better compared with other system
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    analysis of the impacts of load shifting dependent dsm strategy in a neighboring locality in bangladesh
    (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2022-06) REZA, MD. SHAMIUN; ISLAM, MD. RYHANUL
    In recent years, end users management of power usage has been given more importance to ensure efficient and effective use of electricity. One such tool, that can improve the end user power use scenario is Demand Side Management (DSM). The main theme of DSM is to reduce power wastage, improve efficiency and to reduce the price of electricity to the consumer. In this work,We have investigated the effects of residential customers’ load shifting compared to their historical patterns of energy consumption. We have followed the data collection methodology of a similar study to take realistic load profile of the consumers. We have collected 10 individual house data from different locations to keep variety in the load profiles of the consumers and to find out an overall scenario. Initially, we have used an excel spreadsheet to take consumer data then we made simulink model for each user. The simulink model has been used to simulate the load shifting and its impacts. From the study we found that 6.7% of the total load can be shifted from peak electric hour to off peak hour. This study can make an important role in applying load shifting among mass consumer and to examine its impacts.
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    Design And Implementation Of A Multiple Input And Multiple Output (Mimo) Boost Converter
    (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2022-04) HASAN, MD. JAHID; CHY, MD. ABUL HASNAIN
    The voltage from the input supply to the output load is increased by the boost converter. A DC to DC and DC to AC power converter is what it is. To enhance efficiency and reduce losses, the switch mode power supply (SMPS) must be quickly turned on and off. For SMPS, including boost converters, the introduction of commercial solid-state switches in the 1950s marked a crucial turning point. The boost converter may continue to output the required current at that low input voltage due to its capacity to endure a small switching current. A boost converter's output voltage is always higher than its input voltage. In a boost power stage realistic, an inductor is depicted closed with current flowing through it in a clockwise direction to store some energy. Both power MOSFETs and bipolar power transistors are used in power switching; the decision to use one over the other is decided based on variables like current, voltage, switching speed, and cost. The boost converter circuit can produce a lot of voltage, thus we want to utilize a capacitor with a high voltage rating. The capacitance of the capacitor should be high as well. Since the inductor is discharging a sizable quantity of current, we need the capacitor's capacity to maintain this charge. The main DC/DC converters were created in the early 1960s, when solid-state switches were readily accessible. As a result of the aircraft industry's requirement for small, light-weight power converters, technology has moved swiftly in this area. Our complete system is controlled by a microcontroller chip and LC circuits. With this project, the designer will have a technique to raise the DC voltage from 05V and 12V DC to 06V-36V DC. This project involves the design, control, and modeling of a unique Multi Input-Multi-Output Boost Converter architecture. The main advantages of the system are voltage stepping up with the least number of components possible, low operational duty cycle, and great efficiency across a wide range of input and output voltages. This discovery has a wide range of alternate applications, including power supply for LEDs and battery packs for electric vehicles.
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    Effect Of Dye-Loading Time On The Performance Of Zno Based Dye Sensitized Solar Cell
    (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2022-07) TUSHAR, RIDOWANUR RASHID; MITHU, GOLAM MORTUZA
    Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) are one of the new photovoltaic technologies with strong commercial prospects because of their semitransparency, low production cost, simple fabrication techniques, and high performance under low-light situations. In this investigation, the effect of varying dye-loading time on photovoltaic performance for dye sensitized solar cells has been observed using I-V Data Analysis. In the lab, the cell was fabricated using the electrophoretic deposition technique which ensures a uniform layer of metal oxide. The photoanode is immersed in the dye for 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, and 3 hours during the cell fabrication process. All the experimental procedures are done at room temperature. I-V data under dark and illumination conditions are measured with a solar simulator in the air with the area restricted by a steel mask. The values of the se ries resistance, shunt resistance, ideality factors, and barrier heights are calculated from the measured dark current-voltage (I-V) data using the conventional and Cheung function methods. Using the lambert W function, calculated series resistance and shunt resistance from I-V data(Illumination Condition). Under dark and illuminated conditions, 1 hr dye loading time cell has low series resistance and high shunt resistance compared to other cells. At optimum 1 hour dye-loading time cell give better performance with the con version efficiency of 2.7%, short circuit current density of 8.9 (mA/cm2 ), open circuit voltage(Voc) of 0.53 (V), Fill factor(FF) of 0.56 respectively.
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    Enhanced Optimum Design And Performance Evaluation For Grid-Connected Solar Pv Rooptop Systems: A Case Study For Bangladesh
    (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2022-07) IQBAL, MD. JAHED; HAMID, MD KAWSHER
    As the number of electric vehicles on the road continues to rise, the issue of charging becomes more pressing. It is essential to construct charging stations (CS), which are analogous to petrol stations, in order to meet the demand for recharging and make things more comfortable for drivers. Research on a novel charging station design that makes use of renewable energy sources was conducted for the purpose of this article. In order to deal with the unpredictability, a hierarchical energy management system that is geared toward real-time application has been developed. MATLAB simulation was used in order to establish the appropriate size of the CS by taking into account many objectives, such as economics, the environment, and the degradation of the battery energy storage system. Electric vehicles get their power from their batteries, and these batteries may be charged using either traditional or alternative forms of energy. In this work, the DC Converter for battery charging system for electrical cars that utilize solar is discussed. It is proposed that the Greatest Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithm be used to boost the efficiency of the PV system. This would allow for the maximum exploitation of the sun's available energy. Electronics of Power Supply Controlling the process of charging a battery for an electric vehicle may be accomplished with the help of a voltage regulator. The MATLAB/Simulink Simpower Systems are utilized in order to do an analysis on a simulation of the aforementioned system. Enhanced Optimum Design And Performance Evaluation For Grid-Connected Solar Pv Rooptop Systems: A Case Study For Bangladesh Natural gas, diesel, coal, and furnace oil are among the fossil fuels used in Bangladesh's electricity sector. Natural gas generated around 71.82 percent of the electricity used in Bangladesh during the 2019–20 fiscal year, with furnace oil coming in second with 13.25 percent, diesel third with 0.20 percent, coal fourth with 4.16 percent, and renewable energy sources fifth with 1.23 percent. In general, produced power cannot keep up with the nation's demand throughout the summer, which hinders the growth of socioeconomic infrastructure and industrial output. The earth's mean temperature is rising because of increasing greenhouse gas emissions brought on by the depletion of fossil fuel energy sources. The countrywide load-shedding of electricity has been rising because of a huge gas shortage that has led to a significant fall in power generation. In order to overcome these issues, renewable energy sources could be more beneficial to Bangladesh's electricity generation. Besides that, In Bangladesh, around 43 public and 103 private institutions demand a significant quantity of electricity for annual continuing education activities. The demand for electricity at these institutions grows year after year, placing a strain on the utility grid. This challenge, however, can be solved by utilizing the university's rooftop areas. This research goal to close a knowledge gap by enhancing the energy output of rooftop PV systems through roof design. Additionally, this study aims to reduce grid outages around the building, as well as the cost of energy (COE), dependence on the grid, and CO2 emissions. In This study, we designed and simulated the grid-tied rooftop solar Photovoltaic system by using SketchUp and PVsyst for educational-type consumer loads at the FSE building of IIUC, Kumira, Chittagong. And we also optimized the Energy consumption Bill of the FSE building by selling out the access electricity to the grid. Installing solar panels lessens our dependence on fossil fuels as a society and contributes to the fight against greenhouse gas emissions. Our planned project can serve as a tremendous source of inspiration for other organizations looking to install rooftop solar energy systems.
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    Design And Analysis Of A Hybrid Power Charging Station For Electric Vehicles At Patenga, Chittagong
    (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2022-08) FAISAL, MD MOKAROM HOSSAIN; AYAN, NURUL AZAM; HOSSAIN, MD. ISMAIL
    As the number of electric vehicles on the road continues to rise, the issue of charging becomes more pressing. It is essential to construct charging stations (CS), which are analogous to petrol stations, in order to meet the demand for recharging and make things more comfortable for drivers. Research on a novel charging station design that makes use of renewable energy sources was conducted for the purpose of this article. In order to deal with the unpredictability, a hierarchical energy management system that is geared toward real-time application has been developed. MATLAB simulation was used in order to establish the appropriate size of the CS by taking into account many objectives, such as economics, the environment, and the degradation of the battery energy storage system. Electric vehicles get their power from their batteries, and these batteries may be charged using either traditional or alternative forms of energy. In this work, the DC Converter for battery charging system for electrical cars that utilize solar is discussed. It is proposed that the Greatest Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithm be used to boost the efficiency of the PV system. This would allow for the maximum exploitation of the sun's available energy. Electronics of Power Supply Controlling the process of charging a battery for an electric vehicle may be accomplished with the help of a voltage regulator. The MATLAB/Simulink Simpower Systems are utilized in order to do an analysis on a simulation of the aforementioned system.