IIUC Business Review
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Item Islamic Management- An Introduction and Its Contrasts to Traditional Management(CRP (International Islamic University Chittagong), 2006-08) Ather, Syed MohammadThe article gives an introduction 10 Islamic management and its contrasts to traditional management. Islamic management is the achievement o{ 'Halal' (Permissible hy Allah SWT! objectives through the group efforts and co-operation of the members (of the organization) under the boundaries and framework ofrules and principles of Isiam. The fundamental objective of Islamic management is to have the satisfaction and blessings of Allah SWT Islamic management is not just like traditional management. It is strictly based on Islamic rules of 'Shariah'. Its philosophv: ethics, principles, process and procedures all center aroundfirm belie] in Allah SWT and His approved 11"Ul'S ofseuing and achieving 'Haled' objectives. Thus, Islamic management is such (/ management hy practicing which a Muslim manager call he equally benefited in this us well asin the after world Islamic management has got sharp contrast to traditional management as to objectives, philosophv, principles, features, and decision-making process.