Volume 05, December 2008
Permanent URI for this collectionhttp://dspace.iiuc.ac.bd/handle/88203/1508
Item Relevance of Orientalism Today: Theory & Practice(CRP, International Islamic University Chittagong, 2008-12) Khan', Sadat Zaman; Uddin, Mohammad KafilOrientalism has basically come as a reaction against the Western Intellectual manipulation. It pinpoints, through many references, how a perspective of condescendence was held towards East in terms of socio¬political and economic imperialism. Has the world been really polarized between East and West? If it is politically so, intellectuals will propagate the theory in the manifestation of their innumerable hypothetical stands. If Orientalism is an attempt of reconstructing the understanding of East, it certainly is an intellectual imperialism, the age that follows the political colonization of the West. If we sum up Said's view, we roughly get a perspective that Orientalism is an imposed and deliberately misconstrued way of understanding a set of people. This paper attempts to show how oriental attitude that was constructed by the Westerners has been working in the context of modern political and intellectual arena, and how a newer understanding and a reconstructed definition has been imposed upon the Orientals, more significantly the Middle Easterners and Muslims rather than the Far Easterners.Item The Woman Question in Narayan's Fictional World(CRP, International Islamic University Chittagong, 2008-12) Uddin, EftekharThis essay rereads the fictional world of R.K. Narayan with a view to encapsulating his viewpoint regarding the woman question. Women are not central to his thoughts; he does not advocate feminist politics either. Still women characters are always found in search of identity and in a quest for the definitions of the self in his novels. In "The Dark Room", one of his earlier novels, Narayan presents the suffocating existence of woman and culturally accepted beliefs about the subservient position of woman in society. Whereas in "The Painter of the Signs", one of his later novels, the characterization of woman has been completely reversed. In between these two polarized notions, "The Guide" acts as a signpost to pave the way to present the valorized female self. Our special focus is on "The Guide" and other related novels to examine the position of Narayan regarding the woman questionItem Management: In Islamic Perspective(CRP, International Islamic University Chittagong, 2008-12) Shahed, Abul Kalam Muhammad; Mohiuddin, Golam"Management is the act of running and controlling a business or similar organization"". Management has been considered as a very important subject in our life. To maintain stable and smooth functioning of lifestyle, human being need to be very systematic and prearranged. It is needless to say that the more a social institution or business organization is organized the sooner it will be successful. This article is an attempt to outline some principles of management from Islamic perspective to show the supremacy of Islamic management over the conventional one. The research is mainly based on theoretical data and logic. This study also tried to highlight the practical and successful managerial activities of some great Islamic personalities with a view to prove that Islam is the religion which is more practical, rational, complete and most comprehensive code of conduct for human being. This study will help to pave the way for the researchers who will be interested to have an in depth study on the topic from the Islamic point of view.Item How Validity is Ensured in Our Language Test: a Case Study.(CRP, International Islamic University Chittagong, 2008-12) Kabir, Mohammed HumayunIn this paper we will first attempt to familiarize the paradigm shift in language teaching in Bangladesh. Then, the umbrella term validity is discussed with references to the literature. Subsequently, three different data instruments have been analysed in order to investigate how far validity is maintained in testing Reading and Writing taking HSC (Higher Secondary Certificate) English testing as sample. The study found that validity at HSC English Testing is not maintained as item setting, marking, etc. are problematic. Finally, this study recommends some pragmatic measures like ensuring question setter's qualifications and orientation, bringing some changes in the item setting, providing rater's training, etc. to achieve the desired goalItem Descent of a Decent Belle in Tennessee Williams's A Streetcar Named Desire(CRP, International Islamic University Chittagong, 2008-12) Karim, SajjadulTennessee Williams was one of the greatest American dramatists of the 20th century. Most of his plays take us to the southern states and show a confused society. In his works he exposes the degeneration of human feelings and relationships. His heroes suffer from broken families and do not find their place in society. In A Streetcar Named Desire, Blanche is an intelligent and sensitive woman who values literature and creativity of human imagination, but emotionally repressed, addicted to alcohol, succumbing to illusions, lies about her past, sexual aberrations, and madness. Her need to be special and loved originates from her loneliness and her failure with her relationships. This article analyses the basic instincts of Blanche and explores the causes of her moral descent from the position of American southern belle who is the victim of her own passions, frustrations and loneliness. In this drama Tennessee Williams created such an impressive and salutary plot which revolutionized the American theatre and made him famousItem Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in the Administration of Civil Justice: Law and Practice in Bangladesh(CRP, International Islamic University Chittagong, 2008-12) Hossain, JahangirThe ADR system has been introduced and developed in the administration of civil justice in order to eliminate the endless suffering of the litigants. In most cases, the ever mounting expenses of litigation, congested court schedules, delay in disposal of suits have battered' the confidence of the people in the administration of civil justice and have put question on the efficacy of the system. The common forms of ADR are negotiation, conciliation, mediation and arbitration. All these various forms have some different characteristics but the ultimate goals of those forms are to relieve court backlog, undue cost and delay and to provide more effective, efficient and satisfactory dispute resolution to improve the quality of justice. This article is aimed at scrutinizing the mechanisms of ADR, incorporating in the provisions of different laws in Bangladesh and it's success. This article recommends for strengthening ADR mechanisms in the administration of civil justice and encourages litigants to resolve dispute through the mechanisms of ADR for establishing justice amicable settlement in the true sense.Item Role of Motivation in Teaching Reading Skill in Foundation English Course (FEC) at International Islamic University Chittagong (IIUC): An Empirical Study(CRP, International Islamic University Chittagong, 2008-12) Mahmud, Mohammad RiazThe article aims at exploring through an empirical study the role of motivation in teaching reading skill to the students of Foundation English Course (FEC). Two questionnaires have been usedfor collecting data from learners and teachers to find out the impact of motivation in teaching reading skill and to suggest ways of overcoming the shortcomings. Collected data have been analyzed under eleven points and recommendations have been made separately under those points to make the teaching of reading skill effective.Item Vices are Self-Destructive: A Message of R. K. Narayan's The Man Eater of Malgudi.(CRP, International Islamic University Chittagong, 2008-12) Hassan, Abul Mobrur Mohammad HamedR.K. Narayan is a representative novelist of Indo¬Anglian literature. His interesting novel The Man-Eater of Malgudi contains two prominent characters; Nataraj and H. Vasu M.A. Nataraj owns a small printing press while Vasu is a taxidermist, i.e., one who stuffs the skin of animals. Both characters represent two aspects of human; noble and evil. Vasu is an incarnation of 'might is right'. He is a person whose dictionary is empty of words like courtesy, kindness to the innocent creatures, politeness, and gratefulness. This giant man whom none can tame suffers the consequence of his own action and finally dies because of his own slap, which conveys the message that evil forces are self¬destructive. This article tries to delineate this truth by establishing Vasu as a vicious character and then showing how he meets his death. For this the article uses some expressions of Vasu, some dialogues between Vasu and Nataraj and some situations to focus on Vasu's nature and to prove him to be an evil person who demolishes himself.