Bachelor of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering (ETE)

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    Design and Implementation of A Voice Message Based Medicine Reminder Box Using IoT
    (International Islamic University Chittagong, 2024-02) Kowser, Sakib Uddin
    The main objective of this research is to develop a smart medicine box to remind and IoT is being used for health monitoring of elderly patients or hospital patients to ensure they are taking their prescribed medication at the right time and to examine their overall health. The medicine reminder box is designed such as reminder the medicine taking time and medicine name which is their medicine prescribe at prescription. This system characterizes some functionalities like safety and good functioning of the system and security. We used Arduino Nano, SD Card Module, SD Card, Push Switch, LED, Relay Switching Circuit, switch mode power supply (SMPS), Wi-Fi Module, Temperature Sensor, Pulse Sensor, Accelerometer (Gyro Sensor), etc. The consequent can manually adjust the time for taking medications or load a text file containing the times for each compartment's medications onto an SD card. The time can be read from the device's real-time clock. When the time matches the predetermined time, the device produces a sound through the speaker to alert the user of the quantity of medicine and blinks the LED of the specific compartment where the medication is stored for that time. The device also tells the patient condition to take the medication before or after eating. The system will trade the readings from the sensor to the cloud remotely and the records accrued may be handy for evaluation regularly. It has the potential of studying and transmitting emergency symptoms and symptoms to the cloud after which to the doctor’s net portal or to the Doctor’s Smartphone. These readings may be applied to apprehend the fitness kingdom of the affected person and as an alert machine towards the emergency fitness situation. The gadget can ensure the safety of pharmaceuticals, the right dosage for prescriptions, and the prevention of elder drug addiction.
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    Incident Angle Insensitive Eye Shaped Metamaterial Absorber For Multiband Applications
    (International Islamic University Chittagong, 2024-02) Faruk, Omar
    In the microwave frequency domain, I introduce a simple design aimed at designing a multi-band polarization-insensitive MA. Polarization-insensitive MA are currently highly appealing owing to their distinctive absorption characteristics across various polarization angles. This design involves imprinting a specific structure onto a metal-backed dielectric substrate Fr-4, which comprises an eye-shaped labyrinth structure. Upon conducting a series of diverse analyses at an angle of incidence perpendicular to the surface, it has been determined that the proposed arrangement exhibits significant levels of absorption, reaching 94.93% at frequencies of 5.76 GHz, 97.73% at frequencies of 7.432 GHz, 95.89% at frequencies of 10.644 GHz, 98.28% at frequencies of 13.813 GHz, 93.18% at frequencies of 19.048 GHz, 98.72% at frequencies of 21.006 GHz, 99.9% at frequencies of 22.856 GHz, 91.85% at frequencies of 23.756 GHz, and 99.15% at frequencies of 24.746 GHz. To gain deeper insights into the absorption mechanism intrinsic to this design, provide visualizations of surface current distributions.
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    Development of A Small-Scale Photonic Crystal Fiber (PCF) Sensor for Detecting Alcohol Substances
    (International Islamic University Chittagong, 2024-03) Rabbani Abir, Mohammad Shahriar
    A variation of optical fiber, referred to as PCF, capitalizes on the advantageous attributes of photonic crystals. PCFs, distinguished by their distinctive optical features such as high sensitivity, minimal loss, and adaptability, have emerged as promising candidates for the development of highly efficient sensors for alcohol detection. Alcohol consumption is prevalent in our society, though not always openly acknowledged. Therefore, it is imperative to have precise and dependable methods for detecting alcohol, especially in the context of preventing drunk driving on highways. Presented here is a proposal for an optical sensor designed to detect alcohols for drunk driving on highways. This sensor is crafted with a cladding featuring circular air holes (CAH), forming a hexagonal in shape and a compact hexagonal core. The simulation and analysis of this PCF-based sensor's sensing capabilities are conducted using COMSOL Multiphysics software, employing specific elements for a technical solution. In the THz frequency band, the described PCF structure exhibits a notable relative sensitivity of 83.05%, 82.96%, 82.75%, and 82.64%. Concomitantly, the confinement losses (CLs) are measured at low values: 6.17×10-08 dB/m, 5.89×10-08 dB/m, 5.82×10-08 dB/m, and 6.38×10-08 dB/m for four types of alcohols - Methanol (n=1.326), Ethanol (n=1.354), Propanol (n=1.387), and Butanol (n=1.399) respectively observed at 1 THz. This content and analysis in the THz frequency range is based on Photonic crystal fiber (PCF). Also, the effective mode index is also determined in the frequency range of (0.5-3) THz. As it has good wave guiding characteristics, this suggested sensor has the potential to be employed in alcohol detection.
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    Interconnected Split-Ring Resonator with Enclosed F Shape Metamaterial Absorber for Wireless Technology
    (International Islamic University Chittagong, 2024-02) Islam, Nahidul
    This study proposes a metamaterial absorber (MMA) based on rotational symmetry to design a wide-angle, polarization-insensitive wireless system for S, C, X, and Ku bands. The MMA comprises electric ring resonators (ERR) arranged in a single layer with four-fold interconnected rotational symmetry, fabricated using FR-4 substrate. In the frequency range of 4 to 18 GHz, the MMA shows five distinct absorption peaks. Notably, absorption levels at 4.882 GHz, 6.464 GHz, 7.882 GHz, 11.3 GHz, and 17.216 GHz reach 99.3%, 94.9%, 94.5%, 98.7%, and 92.5%, respectively. The compact unit cell, with dimensions of 0.162λ×0.162λ×0.026λ at 4.882 GHz, achieves 99% mean absorptivity. Furthermore, the MMA exhibits stable absorption characteristics across azimuth and elevation angles (phi= 0 to 90 degrees, Theta = 0 to 60 degrees). Resonances demonstrate near-zero or negative refractive index traits, offering tunable multifunctionality. The MMA's compactness, high effective medium ratio (EMR), negative permittivity, permeability, and near-zero refractive index make it suitable for various wireless applications, enhancing gain and antenna directivity in fixed-mobile and multiband scenarios.
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    Development of A Small-Scale Photonic Crystal Fiber (PCF) Sensor for Detecting Alcohol Substances
    (International Islamic University Chittagong, 2024-04) Abir, Mohammad Shahriar Rabbani
    A variation of optical fiber, referred to as PCF, capitalizes on the advantageous attributes of photonic crystals. PCFs, distinguished by their distinctive optical features such as high sensitivity, minimal loss, and adaptability, have emerged as promising candidates for the development of highly efficient sensors for alcohol detection. Alcohol consumption is prevalent in our society, though not always openly acknowledged. Therefore, it is imperative to have precise and dependable methods for detecting alcohol, especially in the context of preventing drunk driving on highways. Presented here is a proposal for an optical sensor designed to detect alcohols for drunk driving on highways. This sensor is crafted with a cladding featuring circular air holes (CAH), forming a hexagonal in shape and a compact hexagonal core. The simulation and analysis of this PCF-based sensor's sensing capabilities are conducted using COMSOL Multiphysics software, employing specific elements for a technical solution. In the THz frequency band, the described PCF structure exhibits a notable relative sensitivity of 83.05%, 82.96%, 82.75%, and 82.64%. Concomitantly, the confinement losses (CLs) are measured at low values: 6.17×10-08 dB/m, 5.89×10-08 dB/m, 5.82×10-08 dB/m, and 6.38×10-08 dB/m for four types of alcohols - Methanol (n=1.326), Ethanol (n=1.354), Propanol (n=1.387), and Butanol (n=1.399) respectively observed at 1 THz. This content and analysis in the THz frequency range is based on Photonic crystal fiber (PCF). Also, the effective mode index is also determined in the frequency range of (0.5-3) THz. As it has good wave guiding characteristics, this suggested sensor has the potential to be employed in alcohol detection.
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    Design and Analysis Co Polarization Insensitive Metamaterial Absorber for C, X and Ku Band Applications
    (International Islamic University Chittagong, 2024-02) Faysal, Mohammed
    This study proposes a metamaterial absorber (MMA) based on rotational symmetry to design a wide angle, polarization-insensitive wireless system for S, C, X, and Ku bands. The MMA comprises electric ring resonators (ERR) arranged in a single layer with four-fold interconnected rotational symmetry, fabricated using FR-4 substrate. In the frequency range of 4 to 18 GHz, the MMA shows five distinct absorption peaks. Notably, absorption levels at 4.882 GHz, 6.464 GHz, 7.882 GHz, 11.3 GHz, and 17.216 GHz reach 99.3%, 94.9%, 94.5%, 98.7%, and 92.5%, respectively. The compact unit cell, with dimensions of 0.162λ×0.162λ×0.026λ at 4.882 GHz, achieves 99% mean absorptivity. Furthermore, the MMA exhibits stable absorption characteristics across azimuth and elevation angles (phi= 0 to 90 degrees, Theta = 0 to 60 degrees). Resonances demonstrate near-zero or negative refractive index traits, offering tunable multifunctionality. The MMA's compactness, high effective medium ratio (EMR), negative permittivity, permeability, and near-zero refractive index make it suitable for various wireless applications, enhancing gain and antenna directivity in fixed-mobile and multiband scenarios.
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    Smart Bus Ticketing System with GSM Based and Loan Facilities
    (International Islamic University Chittagong, 2024-04) Noman, Md. Abdullah Al
    This paper proposes a GSM-based smart metro bus ticketing system with loan facelities that utilizes radio frequency identifier (RFID) technology and a loan system to provide an efficient and reliable ticketing solution for metro bus services. The system comprises four primary components: RFID tag reader, GSM module, loan system, and an LCD display. Additionally, ten push buttons and a keypad are used for selecting the destination location and reloading the balance. The system's flow can be divided into three main stages: ticket purchasing, balance checking, and balance reloading. To purchase a ticket, a passenger selects their desired destination by pressing one of ten push buttons on the system's interface. The RFID tag reader then detects the passenger's RFID card and deducts the appropriate amount from their balance, which is displayed on the LCD display. To check their balance, passengers need to tap their RFID card on the RFID tag reader, which will then display their current balance on the LCD display. If the passenger's balance is insufficient, the system will automatically activate the two time loan feature, which enables the passenger to use the metro bus service twice more before their balance is deducted. To reload their balance, a passenger uses the keypad to enter the desired recharge amount, which is then deducted from their bank account via the GSM module. The system updates the passenger's balance and displays the new balance on the LCD display
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    GSM Based Smart Bus Ticketing System with Loan Facilities
    (International Islamic University Chittagong, 2024-04) kahan, Rokibul Fahad
    This paper proposes a GSM-based smart metro bus ticketing system with loan facelities that utilizes radio frequency identifier (RFID) technology and a loan system to provide an efficient and reliable ticketing solution for metro bus services. The system comprises four primary components: RFID tag reader, GSM module, loan system, and an LCD display. Additionally, ten push buttons and a keypad are used for selecting the destination location and reloading the balance. The system's flow can be divided into three main stages: ticket purchasing, balance checking, and balance reloading. To purchase a ticket, a passenger selects their desired destination by pressing one of ten push buttons on the system's interface. The RFID tag reader then detects the passenger's RFID card and deducts the appropriate amount from their balance, which is displayed on the LCD display. To check their balance, passengers need to tap their RFID card on the RFID tag reader, which will then display their current balance on the LCD display. If the passenger's balance is insufficient, the system will automatically activate the twotime loan feature, which enables the passenger to use the metro bus service twice more before their balance is deducted. To reload their balance, a passenger uses the keypad to enter the desired recharge amount, which is then deducted from their bank account via the GSM module. The system updates the passenger's balance and displays the new balance on the LCD display.
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    Design and Analysis of a Metamaterial Absorber for Applicaion at 3.5GHz
    (International Islamic University Chittagong, 2024-06) Hossain, Syed Mustavi
    Analysis of a metamaterial absorber with an S-shaped structure is suggested to reduce the specific absorption rate (SAR) at 3.5 GHz. This absorber exhibits single negative metamaterial characteristics and achieves an absorption rate of over 90% for all electromagnetic polarization angles. In the age of 5G, numerous applications are functioning at various frequency ranges, emitting substantial amounts of electromagnetic energy (EM) that possess an elevated SAR value. This radiation has an impact on the human body, specif ically the head and hands, which are exposed to it. In Malaysia, a frequency band of 3.5 GHz has been designated for 5G communication. However, this has resulted in the emission of undesirable signals due to high Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) values. To address this issue, a proposed absorber would be implemented to reduce SAR levels.
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    IoT Based Smart Irrigation System
    (International Islamic University Chittagong, 2024-06) Islam, Md Zahidul
    The challenges of water management, temperature and humidity control, and soil moisture management in indoor agricultural settings are addressed by the IoT-based smart water management system for indoor agriculture presented in this project thesis. The project's main goal is to develop a reasonably priced and effective system that makes use of Internet of Things technologies to allow real-time monitoring and control of water parameters essential to healthy plant growth. The project starts with a thorough analysis of the body of research on agriculture, smart water management, and the Internet of Things. The basis for selecting appropriate sensors, controllers, and communication protocols for system integration is provided by this research. The suggested system makes use of Internet of Things capabilities to provide precise and timely data on soil temperature and moisture levels, doing away with the need for manual data collection and analysis. Sensors, microcontrollers, and communication modules are all integrated into the system design and are managed by a cloud-based data management platform. In order to provide farmers with remote control over the system and real-time data access, an intuitive user interface has also been developed
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    Optimizing Water Management: An IoT-Driven Approach to Smart Irrigation
    (International Islamic University Chittagong, 2024-06) Bin Nazir, Md Motasim
    The challenges of water management, temperature and humidity control, and soil moisture management in indoor agricultural settings are addressed by the IoT-based smart water management system for indoor agriculture presented in this project thesis. The project's main goal is to develop a reasonably priced and effective system that makes use of Internet of Things technologies to allow real-time monitoring and control of water parameters essential to healthy plant growth. The project starts with a thorough analysis of the body of research on agriculture, smart water management, and the Internet of Things. The basis for selecting appropriate sensors, controllers, and communication protocols for system integration is provided by this research. The suggested system makes use of Internet of Things capabilities to provide precise and timely data on soil temperature and moisture levels, doing away with the need for manual data collection and analysis. Sensors, microcontrollers, and communication modules are all integrated into the system design and are managed by a cloud-based data management platform. In order to provide farmers with remote control over the system and real-time data access, an intuitive user interface has also been developed.
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    Unsafe Driving Behavior Detection By Using CNN Deep Learning Method.
    (International Islamic University Chittagong, 2024-06) Adnan, Shihab
    The complex nature of human behaviour and the numerous factors contributing to distractions on the road, particularly in terms of the limited ability to provide precise and timely early warnings, are addressed in this paper through the introduction of a novel method. The proposed method aims to enhance the detection of distracted driver behaviour using modified CNN transfer learning. By employing transfer learning within the Convolutional Neural Networks framework, the method seeks to tackle the intricate challenges associated with identifying distracted driving behaviours. The experimental results demonstrate an overall accuracy of approximately 99%, with the highest achieved accuracy reaching 99.46% on a publicly available dataset. This highlights the effectiveness of the proposed approach in significantly improving the precision of distracted driver behaviour detection.
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    A Transfer Learning Approach with Modified VGG16 for Driving Behavior Detection in Intelligent Transportation Systems
    (International Islamic University Chittagong, 2024-06) Nur, Abdullah Hafez
    The complex nature of human behaviour and the numerous factors contributing to distractions on the road, particularly in terms of the limited ability to provide precise and timely early warnings, are addressed in this paper through the introduction of a novel method. The proposed method aims to enhance the detection of distracted driver behaviour using modified CNN transfer learning. By employing transfer learning within the Convolutional Neural Networks framework, the method seeks to tackle the intricate challenges associated with identifying distracted driving behaviours. The experimental results demonstrate an overall accuracy of approximately 99%, with the highest achieved accuracy reaching 99.46% on a publicly available dataset. This highlights the effectiveness of the proposed approach in significantly improving the precision of distracted driver behaviour detection
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    Analysis of a S-shape Metamaterial Absorber Operating at 3.5 GHz
    (International Islamic University Chittagong, 2024-06) sajjad, Sajjadul Alam
    Analysis of a metamaterial absorber with an S-shaped structure is suggested to reduce the specific absorption rate (SAR) at 3.5 GHz. This absorber exhibits single negative metamaterialcharacteristics and achieves an absorption rate of over 90% for all electromagnetic polarization angles. In the age of 5G, numerous applications are functioning at various frequency ranges, emitting substantial amounts of electromagnetic energy (EM) that possess an elevated SAR value. This radiation has an impact on the human body, specif ically the head and hands, which are exposed to it. In Malaysia, a frequency band of 3.5 GHz has been designated for 5G communication. However, this has resulted in the emission of undesirable signals due to high Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) values. To address this issue, a proposed absorber would beimplemented to reduce SAR levels.
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    Design & Implementation of Web-Based Student Convenient Software by Using PHP, MySQL & Laravel
    (International Islamic University Chittagong, 2024-06) Rahman, Md. Abdur; Islam, Md. Tafhimul
    This project explores the conception, development, and implementation of an advanced web application aimed at enhancing student convenience in learning environments. It utilizes MySQL, PHP, and the Laravel framework to create a reliable platform with features such as an intuitive interface, secure authentication, dynamic content management, and efficient interaction with a MySQL database. The project emphasizes Laravel's MVC architecture for code structure and maintainability, incorporating a systematic approach to requirements analysis, system design, and development. Prioritizing security, the project implements safeguards to protect user information. It also assesses scalability, extensibility, and future improvements to meet evolving student needs. Thorough testing ensures the application's reliability and functionality in real-world scenarios, ultimately contributing to the advancement of web-based apps tailored to the unique requirements of students. The integration of PHP, MySQL, and Laravel enhances the application's functionality, scalability, and security, making it a valuable tool for academic institutions seeking to improve the overall student experience in the digital age.
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    Machine Learning-based Crop Yield Forecasting in Bangladesh: An Early Prediction Approach.
    (International Islamic University Chittagong, 2024-06) Forhad, Muhammad
    Farmers in Bangladesh are facing substantial financial losses due to challenges in selecting the optimal crops for production, influenced by factors such as pesticides, fertilizer, and annual rainfall. The agriculture supply chain can benefit from yield prediction to make crucial decisions that mitigate risks associated with changes in crop growth. This research focuses on the critical task of early crop yield prediction in Bangladesh, specifically targeting rice, sugarcane, potato, and maize. A diverse set of machine learning algorithms, including K-Nearest Neighbors, Random Forest, Gradient Boosting, AdaBoost, CatBoost, Decision Tree, and XGBoost, are employed in the initial phase to assess their individual predictive performances. After a comprehensive analysis, K-Nearest Neighbors, Random Forest, and Gradient Boosting emerge as the three most effective models. The study progresses to explore ensemble learning techniques, utilizing a Voting Regression in these top three models to combine their predictions. Furthermore, advanced ensemble methodologies, specifically stacking with varying both final and base estimators using the three best models, are implemented to harness the collective intelligence of diverse models and enhance overall predictive accuracy. The methodology includes a rigorous evaluation process, considering various metrics to assess the effectiveness of the models and ensemble techniques. The findings provide valuable insights into how different algorithms and ensemble methodologies can collaborate to optimize early crop yield prediction for specific crops in Bangladesh. Among all combinations, for maize crop yield prediction achieved R2 0.99 and MAE 0.04, rice crop yield prediction achieved R2 0.99 and MAE 0.06, potato crop yield prediction achieved R2 0.99 and MAE 0.04, sugarcane crop yield prediction achieved R2 0.99 and MAE 0.36. This research contributes not only to the field of agricultural prediction but also to the broader application of ensemble learning in optimizing machine learning models for complex tasks. The findings are significant for stakeholders in agriculture, providing them with reliable tools for early crop yield estimation, crucial for effective resource management and decision-making.
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    Early Prediction of Crop Yield in Bangladesh Using Machine Learning
    (International Islamic University Chittagong, 2024-06) Joynal, Arman Bin
    Farmers in Bangladesh are facing substantial financial losses due to challenges in selecting the optimal crops for production, influenced by factors such as pesticides, fertilizer, and annual rainfall. The agriculture supply chain can benefit from yield prediction to make crucial decisions that mitigate risks associated with changes in crop growth. This research focuses on the critical task of early crop yield prediction in Bangladesh, specifically targeting rice, sugarcane, potato, and maize. A diverse set of machine learning algorithms, including K-Nearest Neighbors, Random Forest, Gradient Boosting, AdaBoost, CatBoost, Decision Tree, and XGBoost, are employed in the initial phase to assess their individual predictive performances. After a comprehensive analysis, K-Nearest Neighbors, Random Forest, and Gradient Boosting emerge as the three most effective models. The study progresses to explore ensemble learning techniques, utilizing a Voting Regression in these top three models to combine their predictions. Furthermore, advanced ensemble methodologies, specifically stacking with varying both final and base estimators using the three best models, are implemented to harness the collective intelligence of diverse models and enhance overall predictive accuracy. The methodology includes a rigorous evaluation process, considering various metrics to assess the effectiveness of the models and ensemble techniques. The findings provide valuable insights into how different algorithms and ensemble methodologies can collaborate to optimize early crop yield prediction for specific crops in Bangladesh. Among all combinations, for maize crop yield prediction achieved R2 0.99 and MAE 0.04, rice crop yield prediction achieved R2 0.99 and MAE 0.06, potato crop yield prediction achieved R2 0.99 and MAE 0.04, sugarcane crop yield prediction achieved R2 0.99 and MAE 0.36. This research contributes not only to the field of agricultural prediction but also to the broader application of ensemble learning in optimizing machine learning models for complex tasks. The findings are significant for stakeholders in agriculture, providing them with reliable tools for early crop yield estimation, crucial for effective resource management and decision-making.
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    Design and Analysis of a PCF SPR biosensor for Glucose Concentration in Urine Employing External Sensing
    (International Islamic University Chittagong, 2024-06) Roy, Pretom
    This research presents a surface plasmon sensor utilizing photonic crystal fiber (PCF), aiming to measure glucose concentrations in urine. The sensor employs a configuration involving TiO2 and gold as plasmonic materials, layered strategically to enhance its performance. Employing a finite element approach, the proposed sensor's simulation focuses on measuring urine glucose levels. The setup involves coating a thin analyte layer onto the TiO2 layer of the PCF, enabling external sensing capabilities. Sensing capabilities are tested across four distinct glucose concentration levels: 0gm/dL, 2.5gm/dL, 5gm/dL, 10gm/dL, and 20gm/dL equating to refractive indices (RI) of 1.335, 1.338, 1.341, 1.346, and 1.358, respectively. A perfectly matched layer (PML) acts as the boundary condition for the topmost PCF layer. Through variations in geometrical parameters, an optimized structural design is achieved, resulting in a wavelength sensitivity of 3825.61 nm/RIU and an amplitude sensitivity of 438 RIU−1 for 2.5 gm/dL. Experimental validation using various urine samples highlights superior accuracy and sensitivity compared to existing methods.
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    Performance Analysis of Microstrip Patch Antenna Array for 28GHz
    (International Islamic University Chittagong, 2024-06) Nayeem, Md Golam Rabbani
    In this thesis 1*4 antenna array has been proposed for 28Ghz (n257) frequency band. Deploying an antenna array is essential in 5G millimeter-wave scenarios to address challenges such as path loss, multi-path fading, and to improve network capacity. It is crucial to evaluate the limitations of conventional communication, such as restricted coverage, interference, and slower data rates, which may be efficiently resolved by an array. A metamaterial loaded antenna system that is attaining a gain of 10.81 dB, 11.76 dB directivity and 91.4% efficiency at a frequency of 28 GHz. This design showcases technological robustness by using planar microstrip technology on a 1.6 mm thick Rogers-5880 dielectric substrate with a relative permittivity of 2.2. The array's specific features determine its compatibility for smooth integration into the millimeterwave (mm-Wave) frequency range..
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    Design of a Miniaturized Microtrip Patch Antenna Array with High Gain for 5G mmWave Applications
    (International Islamic University Chittagong, 2024-06) Ullah, Mohammad Sifat
    In this thesis 1*4 antenna array has been proposed for 28Ghz (n257) frequency band. Deploying an antenna array is essential in 5G millimeter-wave scenarios to address challenges such as path loss, multi-path fading, and to improve network capacity. It is crucial to evaluate the limitations of conventional communication, such as restricted coverage, interference, and slower data rates, which may be efficiently resolved by an array. A metamaterial loaded antenna system that is attaining a gain of 10.81 dB, 11.76 dB directivity and 91.4% efficiency at a frequency of 28 GHz. This design showcases technological robustness by using planar microstrip technology on a 1.6 mm thick Rogers-5880 dielectric substrate with a relative permittivity of 2.2. The array's specific features determine its compatibility for smooth integration into the millimeterwave (mm-Wave) frequency range.