Assessing user satisfaction of koha in the private university libraries of Bangladesh
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The Eastern Librarian
This study assessed the user satisfaction of library automation software (Koha) in private university libraries of Bangladesh. The survey conducted among three hundred seventy-two library users from thirteen private university libraries by a structured questionnaire which was adapted cautiously as per local arrangements after conducting a pilot survey. User category computed the users' responses for satisfaction through independent samples t-test. The Bartlett’s test of sphericity and Cronbach's alpha measured the reliability of each multiple-items scale. Besides, item loading, commonalities, and KMO measured the validity. The overall satisfaction (3.64) ensured favorable appreciation by the users, and their level of satisfaction was reasonably very well. The students’ satisfaction level (3.58) was significantly less (p < .006) than the teachers (3.83) in the private university libraries of Bangladesh. An attempt has been taken for the first time to assess the user satisfaction of library automation software (Koha) in the private university libraries of Bangladesh that will prompt further research on different aspects of Koha.
Koha, OSILS, Integrated library system, Open source software, User satisfaction, Private university Libraries, Bangladesh
Volume 24 (1), 2020, Pages: 41-57