جبران في ضوء مؤلفاته العربية: دراسة تحليلية

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مجلة القسم العربي


Jibran Khalil Jibran who inspired a whole generation of writers in developing Mahjar literature was a great philosopher poet of twentieth century. He was born of poor parents and brought up in conditions of squalor and poverty.”His father was indolent and alcoholic whose frequent tantrums terrified the youngster. His mother, the daughter of a priest, was an intelligent woman and resolute but helpless in the atmosphere of tension and brutality”. Thus Jibran concludes his life-long alienation. His thought in the twilight of his days seems to have swung back to his youth where it had first started. It is a complete cycle, in conformity, though perhaps unconsciously, with his idea of reincarnation. The tenacious cedar tree which was Jibran the Prophet went back again to the seed that it was: to love, human and frail-“ perchance to wake to the dawn of another worlds”. This article will try to discuses Jibran’s literary and philosophical thought-consciousness in his arabic works.



جبران في ضوء مؤلفاته العربية, دراسة تحليلية


Number 16; 2009; Page: 157-192



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