Power Compensation And Voltage Frequency Flicker Control Of Solar Using V-F Droop Control Technique

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Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering


Nanogrid is now an advanced concept which is under the frame of microgrid aiming at providing a smart power supply structure for future personal house or single building. It arises for the need to enable “plug-and-play” integration of generated renewable energy. It is a version of smart grid which have the ability to function as separate power generator. A key challenge associated with the nanogrid control is how to maintain voltage and frequency stability in nanogrid islanded and grid connected operation. For Power Quality (PQ) disturbances to be compensated, an alternative techniques of power technology is required. This study has been proposed a new V–F droop control technique to achieve Power Quality disturbances compensation of 10KW nanogrid system. By reducing Power Quality fluctuations, the functionality of droop controller must be optimized. This research reveals a Solar PV Integrated nanogrid framework and explores an improvement in the system's stable operating limit in the event of implementation of V-F Droop controller. The crucial effects of Distributed Generation (DG) grid interaction and the function of controller in mitigating unexpected results and improving the reliability of the nanogrid. In addition, the result demonstrate the reliability of transient voltage 4.2%, and reduce grid harmonic by 6.58%


submitted by Mohammad Mainul Hassan, bearing Matric ID. ET 171076 and Md. Shafiul Alam bearing Matric ID. ET 171084 of session Autumn 2021





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