User Perception Of Mobile Banking Adoption: An Integrated Ttf-Utaut Model

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Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce


This study investigates the factors influencing users’ perception on adoption of mobile banking (mBanking) services in Bangladesh from the understanding of technology perception. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) has used as an instrument to analyze the data collected from the respondents. The established framework of integrating the task technology fit (TTF) and the unified theory of acceptance and usage of technology (UTAUT) have been applied to examine users' perception and intention in adopting mBanking services. The study shows that the most influencing factor is Social influence (SOI) in adopting mBanking. Besides, Task-technology fit (TTF), Technology characteristics (TEC), Performance expectancy (PEE), Facilitating conditions (FAC), Task characteristics (TAC), and User adoption (USE) have great influence on users’ perception and attitude towards mobile banking services. The findings of this research show a useful understanding to the decision makers to implement and develop mBanking service and help to know how it affects users’ attitude, perceptions and intention. This research provides a highlight to understand the users’ perceptions about the adoption of mBanking in Bangladesh. It emphasizes greatly on the social influence from the users understanding toward adopting mBanking services and new technologies that have been a part of modern life style.


An open access Internet journal


mBanking Adoption, Exploratory Factor Analysis, UTAUT, TTF, Bangladesh


December 2017, vol. 22, no. 3



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