Leaders-Followers' Relation in Organizations: An Islamic Perspective
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CRP (International Islamic University Chittagong)
The leaders and the followers or the bosses and the sub-ordinates are two essential organs of human society. Progress ol an organization and welfare ol a societv mostly depend on healthy relation of these /H'o important organs of a society. Islam - being a complete code of lif« and a comprehensive social order cannot be ignorant ofa proper guideline regarding this verv important aspect ofhuman society. This study aims at highlighting the attitude of Islam towards this essential aspect ofthe society and tries to give an overview regarding the healthv relations of leaders and followers or the bosses and sub-ordinates in accordance with the teachings and guidelines given hy the Qur'an and Sunnah. To prove that the principles which had been laid down by Islam some 15 centuries ago are still can be considered most practical and utmost beneficialfor ensuring {he healthy relations in a human society.
Business Review, Vol-01, Article-1, August 2006 (Page 5-14)
Leader, Folio wei, Boss, Subordinate, Shura, Amanah, Taqwa, Tasiha
Business Review, Vol-01, Article-1, August 2006 (Page 5-14)