(IEEE, 2016-10-28) Azim, Rezaul; Islam, Mohammad Tariqul
The design evolution of planar ultra-wideband slot
antennas is presented in this paper. The basic antenna with a Tshaped radiator and ground plane with wide slot is able to exhibit
UWB characteristics. Insertion of a curve slit in the front side of
the basic antenna helps to generate a stop band at around
3.5GHz while etching of a pair of symmetric slits in the rear side
helps to produce a stop band for WLAN. Dual stop band
centered at 3.5GHz and 5.5GHz can be obtained by putting both
types of slits together. The insertion of slits does not alter the size
and shape of basic antenna which gives us an upper hand in the
designing of UWB antenna with notch band/s.