Volume 01, August 2006

Permanent URI for this collectionhttp://dspace.iiuc.ac.bd/handle/123456789/2810


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  • Item
    Credit Market & Economic Development of Bangladesh: Review, Impact Analysis and Constraints
    (CRP (International Islamic University Chittagong), 2006-08) Karim, Mohammed Shamsul; Rabbi, Yasir
    Supplv of credit and economic development arc inter related. The evolut ion of credit is more than 9000 rears back. Front the very beginning of history, credit performed different types of function embedded [rom the transferring process of resources to the he/ping the poor to alleviate the povcrtv /('I'cI. There are different I,i('\\'s of credit, which are leveled as old views, monetary views and modern views, While monetarv views preferred restriction on credit for the balanced development of the economy, the modern views have worked to diminish the credit market imperfection for the expected economic development. Because of credit market imperfection, credit was }IOT allocated proportionately in different sectors in Bangladesh, Moreover, the total credit market \I'as not coordinated, Here, micro credit market was remaining out of any kind of surveillance. To overcome (lin' kind of imperjection, appropriate legal system need to be developed in Bangladesh considering the wholestic view of credit, In addition, institutional surveillance for micro credit and access to credit information is essential to overcome the market imperfection ami for the economic development of Bangladesh,
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    Fundamental Principles of Islamic Economic System: A Brief Overview
    ((CRP), International Islamic University Chittagong, Bangladesh), 2006-08) Bhuiyan, Mohammad Shafiul Alam
    Islam is a complete code of life. It has given solution to all problems of our individual, social, political, economic and global lives. Islam has laid down its fundamental economic principles and prescribed some limits for economic activities of mankind in the Holy Qur'an & Sunnah. This paper is an attempt to identify the fundamental principles of Islamic economic system in brief It is a completely desk-based research. Al-Qur'an, different Hadiths, Islamic literatures, and other various research publications have been consulted to find out the basic principles of Islamic economic system.