Volume 03, December 2006

Permanent URI for this collectionhttp://dspace.iiuc.ac.bd/handle/88203/40


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    Sayyid Mawdudi's Contribution towards Islamic Revivalism
    (CRP, International Islamic University Chittagong, Bangladesh, 2006-12) Ushama, Thameem; Osmani, Noor Mohammad
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    Informal Islamic Education and its Role in Human Resource Development in Society: A Theoretical Evaluation
    (CRP, International Islamic University Chittagong, Bangladesh, 2006-12) Alam, Kamiz Uddin Ahmed; Muzahid, Mohammad Aman Uddin
    This article attempts to focus on Islamic education in the informal setting, its correspondence with human resource development and the role of this development to create a sound and balanced environment in society with moral and spiritual values. Firstly, the paper addresses education and its function in general and then education from Islamic perspective. Secondly, it discusses the character of informal Islamic education, the role players of the field of informal Islamic education, their status as teachers, the role of a teacher, the competencies of a teacher, and teacher - learner relationship in the light of Islamic culture and heritage. Finally, a proposal on the specific subject of Informal Islamic education and the strategies of imparting it are presented in the article.
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    Management Historians in the 1990s: A Review of Their Lives & Prime Contributions.
    (CRP, International Islamic University Chittagong, Bangladesh, 2006-12) Huda, S. S. M. Sadrul; Sobhani, Farid Ahammad; Zubayer, Mahmud
    The Management History Division (MHD) of the Academy of Management, NY records critical and scholarly discussion, refection and research in the arena of management history. It supports the development of historically informed analyses and explorations of management practices and of management philosophy and thought. The authors aim at focusing on three key members of MHD i.e. Charles Deck Wrege, James C. Worthy, and Alfred A Bolton who have contributed a lot in the field of management history during 1990s. Each of them has significant contribution to the area of management history and each has proved himself a teacher and intellectual leader in matters of fundamental concern to management history.
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    The need of Uniform Islamic Constitution for the Muslim Ummah: A study of Islamic provisions on the Constitution of selected countries.
    (CRP, International Islamic University Chittagong, Bangladesh, 2006-12) Khan, Md. Abdul Awal
    Islam is a complete code of life as stated in the holy Quran (3:19), which is the prime source of Islamic Constitution. Al-Quran, therefore, regulates the life of a human being and Constitution for the Muslim Ummah to govern their country. Hazrat Muhammad (sm) taught the Muslims to maintain, preserve, and consolidate and to strengthen fraternal relations and unity among Muslims which was extended to the Khulafa-e-Rashedin regime and then Abbasid and Osmania Khilafat. At that time Muslim states were governed according to the provisions of Al-Quran and Sunnah. But at present, the Muslim Countries have departed from the Al-Quran and Sunnah. Muslims Ummah lost its central power with the end of Osmania Khilafat. Later much Muslim territory became independent one after another but they imposed more importance on geographical position, language, culture and history rather than Islam. They included in their Constitution secular, socialist, capitalist ideology and they touched some Islamic provisions in their Constitution just to give it Islamic color. Many Muslim states have enacted many anti-Islamic provisions in their Constitution too. This article is aimed at finding and highlighting such provisions and to make a comparison among selected Constitutions of Muslim states. This article also suggests the Muslim states to enact uniform Constitution for the Muslim Ummah.
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    Orwell’s “Shooting an Elephant”: Reflections on Imperialism and Neoimperialism
    (CRP, International Islamic University Chittagong, Bangladesh, 2006-12) Alam, Mohammed Sarwar
    Imperialism has been the most powerful force in world history over last four or five centuries. The world has moved from the colonial to post-colonial era or neo imperialism. Throughout the period, the imperialists have changed their grounds and strategies in imperialistic rules. But the ultimate objective has remained the same- to rule and exploit the natives with their multifaceted dominance-technological, economic and military. Through dominance with these, they have been, to a great extent, successful in establishing their racial and cultural superiority. George Orwell is popularly known to be an anti-imperialist writer. This paper, I believe, will lead us to an almost different conclusion. Here, we discover the inevitable dilemma in a disguised imperialist. We discover the seeds of imperialism under the mask of anti-imperialism. In this regard, it studies his revealing short story “Shooting an Elephant”. It also humbly approaches to refute Barry Hindess’ arguments supporting neo imperialism.
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    The Use of Geometric Conceits in Exposition of Love in Metaphysical Poetry
    (CRP, International Islamic University Chittagong, Bangladesh, 2006-12) Uddin, Md. Eftekhar
    The language, used by Metaphysical poets is highly evocative and infused with multi-dimensional meaning. It demands comprehension and sensitivity on the part of the reader to grasp out the inner aspect of a poem. Love, being a universal feeling gets expression through the hands of different poets in different ways. The exposition of love in Metaphysical poems has shaped up in a unique way because of the juxtaposition of geometry in it. Straight line and circular line are the two components of geometry. Straight line being regarded as imperfect one as it has no limit and end is used as a vehicle to convey the imperfection of love in Metaphysical poems. On the other hand, circular line, being treated as a perfect one is used to express a harmonious union of love between human beings and also between God and human being. The article aims at exploring such conflation of love with geometry in the poetic works of John Donne, Henry Vaughn, Andrew Marvell and George Herbert, the four major Metaphysical Poets Since the origins of.
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    ‘Frailty, Thy Name is Woman’ – How Frail are Women in the World of Shakespeare?
    (CRP, International Islamic University Chittagong, Bangladesh, 2006-12) Rahman, Muhammad Safiur
    This paper attempts to understand a remarkable point whether we can argue, quoting Hamlet’s remark ‘frailty, thy names woman’, that Shakespeare is a misogynist. With that end in view it analyses the situations which lead Hamlet to hold a special kind of prejudice against women. Hence, it examines the justification of his misogynistic remarks in the play. Here the chief concern is whether it is Shakespeare’s viewpoint or the view of his character Hamlet; and whether it is deep-rooted, well-thought one or momentary one. Some women characters in several other plays of Shakespeare have been studied, in an endeavor to compare their roles, and to see whether they all show weakness, or some of them surpass the male characters around them in their respective plays. The focus has always been simply on the point whether women are generally frail in the world of Shakespeare. The paper concludes that Hamlet’s view does not represent the general view of women in Shakespearean literature; rather it is a sweeping generalization of the misogyny of a young man who has, somehow, been betrayed by women in his life.
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    The Woman Question in the novels by the Bronte Sisters
    (CRP, International Islamic University Chittagong, Bangladesh, 2006-12) Anis, Rehnuma Bint
    The Victorian period lasted more than half a century. During this time England changed radically in almost all respects. One of these was the rising consciousness of women about their rights and potentials. Soon, the social awareness was transmitted to literature. In retrospect we find that many women writers emerged at this critical juncture in history when women were pleading to be given voice, to achieve their rights and to be given an opportunity to come out of the shells of quiet submission enforced upon them and achieve something of their own. Three sisters living deep in the Yorkshire moors surprised the world by taking part in this ongoing struggle. This article attempts to evaluate their contributions towards achieving women’s rights in English history.
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    Ambivalence: The Divided Selfin Sylvia Plath’s Poetry
    (CRP, International Islamic University Chittagong, Bangladesh, 2006-12) Sharif, Mohd.Yasin
    Ambivalence, mixed good and bad feelings about particular entity, individual or circumstance, became a ruling passion in Sylvia Plath’s life. These ambivalence and breakdown are closely dealt with in her poems. Confessional poets usually reveal their own personal experiences without straining excruciating sentiment. Sylvia Plath, one of the 1960s most influential confessional poets used the same resentment and anguish that developed from her personal grief as the subject of many of her poems. SP is well known among the celebrities for her ambivalence schizophrenic, schizoid and paranoid nature. As an obsessive-compulsive neurotic, ambivalence dominated both her works as well as her life. This ambivalent personality of SP made her and her works obscure and bizarre to the readers. Many of her poems bear the evidence of narcissism, self-hatred, deep attachment and simultaneously deep hatred towards her dear and near ones. The present study is an endeavor to interpret this complex ambivalent personality of SP in light of her poems, her journals and her letters where she clearly confesses all her neurotic obsessed activities directly, honestly and sincerely without any hesitation. The study will also dug out the true logical reasons that lead to the suicide of a blooming star in her makeup.