Hosain, Md. Iqbal2023-08-122023-08-122018C2321-9467http://dspace.iiuc.ac.bd:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/6947This paper basically deals with humanism and egalitarianism manifest in the poetry of Kazi Nazrul Islam, the national poet of Bangladesh. He is quintessentially a rebel poet who voiced against the discrimination and disparity between human beings and at the same time upheld humanism and egalitarianism in his major poems. His widely acclaimed poem „The Rebel‟, which brought him the fame as the rebel poet and some other significant poems are chosen to analyze the nature of his humanism and equality in this article.enHumanismEgalitarianismThe RebelHumanism and Egalitarianism in Nazrul’s PoetryArticle