JALAL, MOHAMMADISLAM, MOHAMMAD JAMSEDUL2023-07-092023-07-092022-04http://dspace.iiuc.ac.bd:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/6689submitted by Mohammad Jalal, bearing Matric ID. ET171033 and Mohammad Jamsedul Islam, bearing Matric ID. ET171045 of session Spring 2021In the field of agriculture farmers are mostly depend on weather condition for their cultivating crops. The IoT-based Environmental Weather Monitoring System project is used to get live reporting of weather conditions. The Internet of Things, has the largest influence in agriculture. Green networks in the Internet of Things helps to reduce emissions and pollutions, while also maximizing environmental conservation and surveillance and lowering operating costs and power usage. In this project, we present a low cost system for real-time monitoring of the environment. The system consists of several sensors is used for measuring environmental parameters. The parameters such as temperature, humidity, soil moisture, air quality, pH of the soil and rain level has been measured. The measured values from the sensors has been processed by the core controller. The Arduino Nano has been used as a core controller. To reduce the wastage of electrical cost we use solar system. This project will save our time by providing environmental parameters data in a single website with two weeks prediction value of weather using machine learning algorithm. Good result has been obtained by cultivating the crop at the specified time. Finally, the sensor data is viewed on website and LCD also displays the output correspondingly. Over all it’s exceptional advantage people easily influenced to use the system, and it will be asset in field of agriculture for every country.Design And Implementation Of Iot- Based Green Agricultural Environment Monitoring System