Islam, Mohammad Nazmul2025-01-042023-123005-5873, Issue-1, December 2023, pp. 201-220In Bangladesh, Leea indica, Oroxylum indicum, Mikania micrantha and Smilax macrophylla have been reported to have medicinal properties to treat numerous types of diseases, such as inflammation, pain, diarrhoea, skin problems and asthma. The present study designed in a comparative manner, assesses the qualitative phytochemical analysis, cytotoxic and antinociceptive activities of methanol leaves extract of L. indica (MELI), O. indicum (MEOI), M. micrantha (MEMM), and methanol extract of S. macrophylla leaves (MESMl) and stems (MESMs). The methanol extract of each plant comprises a significant quantity of secondary metabolites in the phytochemical study. At the same time, a non-significant weak to high toxicity in the brine shrimp lethality bioassay was assessed. Acetic acid and formalin-induced antinociceptive activity demonstrated highly significant (p < 0.001) dose-dependent pain reduction at a higher dose (400 mg/kg). Hence, current findings suggest that all five methanol extracts have potential antinociception effects along with weak to high cytotoxicity. Remarkably, these plants can be a successful substitute besides agri-food substances in the treatment of nociception.enAntinociceptionCytotoxicityLeea indicaMikania micranthaOroxylum indicumSmilax macrophyllaComparative valorisation on biological activities of Leea indica, Oroxylum indicum, Mikania micranth and Smilax macrophylla as a sustainable source of bioactive ingredientsArticle