Khaliluzzaman,, ( The Author. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND licenseStair region detection and recognition from a stair candidate image is a challenging work in the computer vision research area. In the last few decades, researchers use many recognition systems to recognize and verify the stair region from other analogous objects. However, all the verification systems such as vanish ing point (VP) do not achieve the desired result for various reasons. In this regard, a method is proposed in this paper to investigate the vanishing point’s problem arising in the case of stair region verification based on the three basic criteria, i.e. focal angle of the camera, height of the camera from the ground, and distance of the camera from the stair image. For that, primarily, the stair region is extracted by uti lizing the geometrical features of a stair. The detected stair candidate region is verified through the y coordinate value of the vertical VP, i.e.y < 0. However, the y coordinate value of VP does not verify the stair region from all the scenarios. This paper investigates and justifies this problem utilizing the exper imental analysis and introduces a mathematical model to estimate the location of the VP of the stair region. Finally, support vector machine (SVM) classifier is utilized instead of VP to recognize the stair can didate region and the performance of SVM is compared with respect to the VP. For that, rotational invari ant uniform local binary pattern (LBP) is used for feature extraction. Stair images captured under different orientation and illumination conditions have been used to test the proposed method to evaluate the resultant accuracy.enComputer visionVanishing point problemRecognition systemMathematical modelSVMUniform LBPAnalytical justification of vanishing point problem in the case of stairways recognitionArticle