Comparative Performance of BER in the Simulation of Digital Communication Systems using Raised Cosine Filter

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International Journal of Advancements in Communication Technologies– IJACT


The robustness of the digital communication system is illustrated by comparing the BER and SER with and without filter. This research entails the development of a digital communication model that transmits base band data over an additive white Gaussian noise channel (AWGN). The performance of this model is enhanced by employing raised cosine filter which reduce the BER and SER compared to model without filter. The results show that the performance of the system improves when filter is implemented. The performance of 16-QAM is found to be better than that of 32-QAM and 64-QAM, which means that there must be a tradeoff between BER and energy efficiency of Modulation schemes of QAM. In this paper inter symbol interference (ISI) is examined and It is seen that ISI place an important role in digital communication systems. This paper also observed that overall transmission errors are less while increasing the ratio of bit energy per symbol (Eb /N0 ). Matlab communication tool box has been used for simulation


Volume 2: Issue 2


BER, SER, Raised Cosine filter, Tradeoff, QAM, ISI, AWGN


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