Fan Grill Shaped Circular Split-ring Loaded Metamaterial Absorber For X,K & Ku Band Applications
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International Islamic University Chittagong
This thesis presents a Fan grill shaped circular split-ring loaded metamaterial absorber for X,K & Ku band applications. The finding demonstrates that regardless of the substrate or polarization angle, the TEM mode absorption rate is constant. With maximum absorptions of 99%, 98%, 99%, 92%, and 99%, respectively, the study shows five resonance gains in the X, K and Ku bands with single negative (SNG) MM characteristics at frequencies of 8.903094, 14.102, 14.606, 20.996, and 21.68 GHz. Due to its superior absorption qualities and clear construction compared with recent work on MM, this absorber has a special function in satellite communication, terrestrial microwave communication and radar communication, comparable works using FR4 substrate
This internship report is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in B.Sc. Engineering, February-2024
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