Search and Rescue System for Alive Human Detection by Semi-autonomous Mobile Rescue Robot
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In this modern era, technological development lead
the creation of sky scraper buildings and dwellings which
increase risks of losing life due to natural and manmade
disasters. Many people died by trapping under debris as their
presence cannot detect by the rescue team. Sometimes, it is
impossible to reach in certain points of the disasters in such
calamity hit zones. The situation is worst for developing country
like Bangladesh because of low quality design and construction.
In this paper, PIR sensor based semi-autonomous mobile rescues
robot is developed which can detect live human being from an
unreachable point of the disaster area. Joystick and RF
technology is used to control the semi-autonomous robot and
communicate with control point. Ultrasonic sensor is used for
obstacle detection in navigation path of robot and gas sensor is
used to detect gas leak inside the building. IP Camera is also
integrated to observe and analyze conditions that will facilitate
human detection in reliable manner with highest probability of
success rate in that kind of situation.
Semi-autonomous robot, RF technology, rescue robot, PIR sensor