Reviewing ImÉm Al-ShÉfi‘Ê’s TafsÊr ÓyÉt Al-AhkÉm for Developing Principles of Contemporary TafsÊr Literature
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CRP, International Islamic University Chittagong, Bangladesh
Al-ImÉm Al-ShÉfi'Ê is one of the greatest
architects of Islamic thought in general and the Qur'Énic
interpretation in particular. He is the founder of one of the
largest denominations based on Islamic Jurisprudence. He
made a substantial contribution towards formulating an
epistemological methodology for the proper understanding
of the Qur'Én, especially the Qur'Énic verses related to
rulings (ÉyÉt al-aÍkÉm), and left a permanent imprint on
and legacy for the later Muslim scholars dealing with
Qur’Énic tafsÊr and/or tafsÊr of ÉyÉt al-aÍkÉm. The ImÉm
devised and developed this methodology at such a juncture
of Muslim intellectual exercise when some alien
philosophies and doctrines infiltrated into almost all
branches of Islamic knowledge. The tafsÊr literature was no
exception. Besides, the emergence of some deviated
intellectual outfits from among the Ummah itself virtually
challenged and threatened the very fabric, purity,
uniqueness and even existence of a distinct Islamic
intellectual identity. For substantiating the principles of
their thought, these deviant groups heavily relied on the
primary normative sources of Islam (i.e., the Qur'Én and the
Sunnah) and subsequently deducted policies from thereof
for running their intellectual denominations. Some of these
policies and principles developed thereof were also related
to the interpretation of the Qur'Én itself. At this time, Al-
ImÉm Al-ShÉfi'Ê along with others came forward, developed
epistemological methodologies for governing almost all
branches of Islamic knowledge including the Qur'Énic
interpretation, and thus set the course of Islamic thought onright track. The same scenario is again seen everywhere
around the globe where the felid of tafsÊr is further intruded
by some obviously alien and un-Islamic philosophical
underpinnings. Scores of denominations have already
emerged in the Ummah itself which offer such grotesque
interpretations for the Qur'Én or some of its verses that fall
squarely contradictory even to its basic spirit, the
fundamental sharÊ'ah principles, and the vivid Prophetic
guidelines. Thus the need of the hour is to reassert the
methodologies of Al-ImÉm Al-ShÉfi'Ê for the tafsÊr of the
Qur’Én with an avowed objective of evaluating his
contribution to this field and investigating into his
epistemological principles so that the current deviation in
the Qur'Énic tafsÊr may be corrected and a worthwhile
methodology for the contemporary interpretation of the
Qur'Én may be developed
Reviewing ImÉm Al-ShÉfi‘Ê’s TafsÊr ÓyÉt Al-AhkÉm, Developing Principles, Contemporary TafsÊr Literature
Vol.- 10 & 11, December 2014 (p 9-38)