Management Practices Of Private Universities in Bangladesh - A Case Study On International Islamic University Chittagong
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International Islamic University Chittagong, Bangladesh,
Priuate «nirersities baue added a net» dimension to tbe arena of bigber
education ill Ballgladesb. Some of tbe prirate nniuersities bat1e attained considerable
JIIcceJJ in prolJiding higher education whereas most q/ the universities lack sound
academic and administratiue managemellt system. International IJlaJJJic UniverJiD'
Chitta gong (flUC) is nou: considered one of the top graded private uniiersities in
Bangfadesb. Hence, a case stu4y tuas undertalien to eualuate the managemeJ1t practices
at IIUe. All opinion stmJ~)' was conducted it! tbe light of tbe research o~jectiIJes. The
sturfJ' reveals a number ql!7awJ in spite ~r tbe 4)'11amisl7l of tbe management [anctions of
IIUe. Necessary Juggestjom bate been gilJel1 at tbe end q/ tbis paper. An rfficient
management syste» 11lQy enable tbis IInilJersiry to be more pragmatic in meeting tbe
qllalitJ, education needs of the sodetJ' as well as ensuring overall development qfthe cottntry.