Comparative Experimental Analysis with and without Proposed Algorithm for MPPT using a DC-DC Converter for PV Array
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Asian Journal of Engineering and Technology
Solar Photovoltaic (PV) array is an enormous source of green energy generation. Low efficiency and high cost is the great challenge of the solar systems. Various power electronic converter and algorithms are design to mitigate this challenge, Perturb and Observe (P&O) algorithm is one of them. In this paper a proposed algorithm is implemented through DC-DC converter. This proposed algorithm allows the PV array to work at its highest efficiency. Results from experiments show that the proposed MPPT algorithm improves overall system efficiency which is 89.37% higher compared to non MPPT system. To maximize the efficiency of the PV panel from zero to the maximum output, the entire range of the duty cycle needs to be used for the implementation of the proposed MPPT algorithm. In addition to this, a microcontroller based control system has been used in this work.
Volume 03 – Issue 02, April 2015
Photovoltaic (PV) Array, P&O algorithm, DC-DC converter, MPPT, Duty cycle, Green energy
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