IIUC Journals
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Item Technology integration through a task-based email project for EFL writing class at tertiary level in Bangladesh(CRP, International Islamic University Chittagong, Bangladesh, 2016-12) Uddin, Md. Eftekhar; Ferdous, FarhibaThis analytical research paper focuses on the affordances of technology integration and taskbased approach in EFL (English as a Foreign Language) writing classroom. The relevant literature review forms the pedagogical underpinning of the task-based email project sketched in this paper. The task with tech-tools like email, power point and Google search engine aims to unfold opportunities for students for the more considerable amount of language production and variety of target language use with the higher level of accuracy both inside and outside the classroom. Besides, the task design ensures effective collaboration necessary in our mixed ability EFL context and empowers students more and makes them active in their learning process. The outlined task also hopes to encourage teachers to design more students-centred activity on sound pedagogy. However, assumed affordances detailed out in this paper need further research to confirm the validity of the study.