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Item Computer Vision Based Industrial and Forest Fire Detection Using Support Vector Machine (SVM)(IIUC Central Library) Rahman, Md Abdur; Hasan, Sayed TanimunBurning issue is a very serious issue nowadays in our garments and industries sector. The workers are facing the problem and losing valuable life. On the other hand, investors are losing their hope in this sector. In this paper, we have propounded a vision-based system which is capable to detect fire. We have developed a pipeline model consisting of Background Subtraction, Color Segmentation, Special Wavelet Analysis & a Support Vector Machine which will detect real-time fire and smoke.For SVM model we have trained the dataset in two ways. One is the different kind of fire image and other is the image that looks like fire but it’s not fire. If the situation is breaking out of fire then the system will immediately raise an alarm and an automatic SMS and email will be sent to the authority and nearby fire station. In this study, the proposed strategy works on a very large dataset of fire videos that have been collected both in real life situations and from the internet.In this SVM pipeline model shows the maximum accuracy is is 93.33%. The system can fulfill the precision and detect faster real-time fire detection. Its industrial application will aid in the early detection of fires, as well as emergency management, and so greatly contribute to loss prevention.Item A Network infrastructure for Smart Home(Department of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering, IIUC, 19-09) Mohiuddin, Talha Misbah; Riyad, Md. Kamrul HassanAbstract There are uncertainties with regard to which network technologies will remain current and adaptable to emerging changes in Smart Home requirements. This research is based on using the existing and available network technologies for Smart Homes. In particular, it used CSMA network and Wifi Network based on IEEE 802.11ac standard. It is expected that a usual home has to upgrade the infrastructural network to fully upgrade into Smart home. So, the focus is to make a building design, based on Bangladesh’s prospective and use CSMA and WiFi network individually in simulation.Item Study and Analysis of the Radiation Effects of the Cellphone, BTS Tower and Local Wi-Fi Router on Human Body(Department of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering, IIUC, 19-10) Islam, Syed Mainul; Bhattacharjee, Shashwata; Azim, Md. AnwarulWe are regularly in contact with electromagnetic radiation in our daily life. From the radiation produced by mobile phone to that derived from X-ray check-ups, electromagnetic waves appear to be present in current standard of living. In the electromagnetic spectrum, higher frequency has taken great attention for wireless communication with better efficiency. But as much as we like the availability of higher data rate, it comes at a price of increased vulnerability of health hazards. A summary of all non-ionizing health effects has been compiled and an analytical discussion on it due to long term exposure to radiofrequency radiation. In this work an analysis of less hazardous manipulative safe distance between individuals and wireless devices such as- BTS antennas and WIFI routers based on calculating Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) on human body at different distances from BTS and WIFI routers is proposed. Finally, different safety distance for individuals for different WIFI router and different BTS antenna types are proposed in this research.Item Design and Simulation of a Wearable Micro strip Patch Antenna for Healthcare Monitoring Applications(Department of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering, IIUC, 19-10) Mamun, Sultan Shah; Majumder, Md.Qudrat-E-AlahiItem DESIGN AND SIMULATION OF MICRO STRIP PATCH ANTENNAS FOR 5G WIRELESS COMMUNICATION(Department of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering, IIUC, 19-10) Soliman, Md Mohiuddin; Hakim, Mohammad LutfulItem A High Gain And Wideband 2x2 Array Antenna Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna(MPA) for 5G Application(International Islamic University Chittagong, 19-10-12) Dini, Abshir Mohamud; Mohamed, Yusuf MohamedAbstract Due to their low cost, low profile and ease of manufacturing in the circuit boards, microstrip antennas have become a part and parcel of today's wireless communication world. But poor performance, such as low capacity handling, narrow bandwidth, low gain, etc. In some cases, limit their application. Since high frequency bands will be used in the upcoming wireless communication of the 5th generation (5 G), it will be severely affected by path loss. High gain antenna is required to manage this problem. So the main concern of this research work is to design a high gain 2×2 microstrip patch antenna array. The simulation is performed by using the simulation software Computer Simulation Technology (CST) Microwave Studio which is a commercially available electromagnetic simulator based on finite difference time domain technique. The gain, bandwidth, return loss, VSWR and efficiency of the designed 2×2 array antenna is 23.8 dBi, 600MHz, 74.3dB, 1 and almost 99% respectively.Item التخريج والبيان لما ورد من الأحاديث في "تفهيم القرآن للأستاذ أبي الأعلى المودودي(2005) حافظ, محمد غياث الدينإن كتاب تفهيم القرآن لمؤسس الجماعة الإسلامية الأستاذ أبي الأعلى المودودي من أوسع كتب التفسير انتشاراً في الأوساط العامة والخاصة للمسلمين الناطقين باللغة الأردية، ولا سيما المتأثرين بالدراسات الإنجليزية منهم. وتهدف هذه الدراسة إلى عرض بعض الجوانب المتعلقة بالأحاديث الواردة في هذا التفسير بصورة خاصة، وإبراز مكانة السنة المبيِّنة للقرآن عنده، والنظر في منهج مؤلفه بصورة عامة. استعان الأستاذ المودودي كثيراً بالأحاديث النبوية الشريفة في تفسير الآيات، و توضيح مبهماتها، أو الاستدلال بها في المسائل، ولكن ينقصه التخريج العلمي لتلك الأحاديث. وهذا ما تحاول هذه الرسالة معالجته، بغية تشجيع المسلمين على الإقبال على السنة تعلماً وفهماً. فخرَّج الباحث الأحاديث الواردة في تفسير المودودي، وعزاها إلى مصادرها الأصلية مع بيان درجتها من حيث الصحة والضعف والوضع مستفيداً من أقوال الأئمة المتقدمين في بيان درجاتها، على أن هناك أحاديث قليلة لم يتحدث عنها السلف، فقام الباحث بدراسة أسانيدها والوصول إلى درجاتها مع بيان العلاقة بين الآية والحديث على حسب رؤية المؤلف في تفسيره. واعتمد الباحث في عمله هذا على المناهج الآتية: وذلك هو المنهج الاستقرائي: لاستقراء وجمع الأحاديث الواردة في كتاب "تفهيم القرآن". وكذلك المنهج النقدي: لتحرير نتائجه حول درجات الأحاديث من حيث القبول والرد. والمنهج التحليلي: لبيان صلة الأحاديث بالآيات المتعلقة بها، وفي الخاتمة سجل الباحث نتائج بحثه.Item An Ultra-compact Multiband Antenna for 5G massive MIMO Applications Below 6 GHz(Department of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering, 2010) Razin, Kazi Fatin IntesarIn this paper, we have designed a compact antenna for massive MIMO applications. The design has been carried out using various parameters such as left-hand tweak and right-hand tweak. The simulations were carried out with different hands simultaneously. The design and simulation of the proposed MIMO antenna are performed in the CST Studio Suite. The antenna is designed at an operational frequency of 2.6 GHz with a dielectric substrate and a conducting ground plane (W×L=19×38.2 mm2). The material of the substrate is FR-4 (lossy), with a relative permittivity of 4.3, a height of 1.6 mm, and a loss tangent of 0.025. The material of the ground plane is copper (annealed) with a thickness (t) of 0.035 mm, and the ground plane is cut into a smaller one to achieve a broader bandwidth. The optimized dimensions of the antenna are Wp=17.17 mm and Lp=22.13 mm. The width of the feedline (Flow) connected to the patch is 2.42 mm, and the length (Fl) is 14.93 mm.Item الغلو في الدين وأثره في مجتمع بنغلاديش(IIUC Central Library, 2010-12) Islam, Md. Nazrulإن الحمد لله نحمده ونستعينه ونستغفره، ونعوذ بالله من شرور أنفسنا ومن سيئات أعمالنا من يهده الله فلا مضل له، ومن يضلل فلا هادي له، وأشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لاشريك له، وأشهد أن محمدا عبده ورسوله صلى الله عليه وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم تسليما كثيرا، أما بعد : ـ فهذا البحث تكميلي للتخرج في مرحلة الماجستير بقسم علوم القرآن والدراسات الإسلامية تحت كلية الشريعة والدراسات الإسلامية بالجامعة الإسلامية العالمية شيتاغونغ بعنوان " الغلو في الدين وأثره في مجتمع بنغلاديش". فإن الغلو في الدين آفة عظيمة، مزلة كبيرة يقع فيها بعض الناس من غير أن يشعروا، وربما كان ضرر الغلو والزيادة في الدين على صاحبه أشد من النقص والتقصير، لذلك حذرنا ربنا جل وعلا عن الغلو في الدين في كتابه الكريم، وعلى لسان رسوله الأمين، عليه من ربه أفضل الصلاة والسلام، قال تعالى : ﴿يَا أَهْلَ الْكِتَابِ لاَ تَغْلُواْ فِي دِينِكُمْ وَلاَ تَقُولُواْ عَلَى اللّهِ إِلاَّ الْحَقِّ ﴾ [النساء: 171] . وقوله تعالى : ﴿ قُلْ يَا أَهْلَ الْكِتَابِ لَا تَغْلُوا فِي دِينِكُمْ غَيْرَ الْحَقِّ وَلَا تَتَّبِعُوا أَهْوَاءَ قَوْمٍ قَدْ ضَلُّوا مِن قَبْلُ وَأَضَلُّوا كَثِيرًا وَضَلُّوا عَنْ سَوَاءِ السَّبِيل﴾ [المائدة :77]. كما نهانا سبحانه عن طريق الطغيان في غير ما آية :منها قوله من آخر سورة هود: ﴿ فَاسْتَقِمْ كَمَا أُمِرْتَ وَمَنْ تَابَ مَعَكَ وَلَا تَطْغَوْا إِنَّهُ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ بَصِيرٌ﴾ [هود :112]. ومن السنة ما أخرجه البخاري في صحيحه من حديث أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال:" إن هذا الدين يسر ولن يشاد الدين أحد إلا غلبه، فسددوا وقاربوا واستعينوا بالغدوة والروحة وشيء من الدلجه"وفي الرواية الأخرى "والقصد القصد تبلغوا". وحديث ابن عباس عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال :" إياكم والغلو في الدين فإنما أهلك من كان قبلكم الغلو في الدين". وعن عبد الله بن مسعود –رضي الله عنه –قال :قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : "هلك المتنطعون، هلك المتنطعون، هلك النتنطعون".والمتنطعون هم المجاوزون الحد،الغالون في القول والفعل". وجدت بعض المعلومات الصحيحة المنفردة لهذا الموضوع واستفدت من هذه المعلومات، منها : "الغلو" لعلي بن عبد العزيز بن علي الشبل، و"الغلو في الدين ظواهر من غلو التطرف وغلو التصوف" للدكتور الصادق عبد الرحمن الغرياني و"الغلو في الدين وأثره في الأمة" للخالد بن حمد الخريف، وأخذت بعض المعلومات من كتاب "السنن والمبتدعات في العبادت " للعمرو عبد المنعم سليم، و"تحذير المسلمين عن الابتداع والبدع في الدين" للأحمد بن حجر آل بوطامي البنعلي، وأخذت بعض المعلومات من الإنترنت لكي يعلم المسلمون مفهوم الغلو ويجتنبوا من خسارته.Item Design and Implementation of An Intruder Radio and Video Alert System(IIUC Central Library, 2011-04) Ahmed, ShafaitEngineering is not only a theoretical study but it is a implementation of all we study for creating something new and making things more easy and useful through practical study. It is an art which can be gained with systematic study, observation and practice. For that sole purpose I choose to do my project on something new and innovative. In my project I tried to introduce a new trend to the home security system. I named it as “Design and Implementation of an Intruder Radio and video Alert System”. In it I choose a voice recording a play back IC which can record an emergency voice message and plays it when security of the house is disturbed in any way. Along with that I thought it beneficial if the message can be transmitted so that it can be heard in radio. Furthermore I choose a microcontroller for automatic operation of the voice IC on the basis of various sensing system. It’s a very good security system which will provide more security for our home.Item Design and Implementation of a Sine Wave Instant Power Supply(IIUC Central Library, 2011-06-18) Chakma, Rocky; Alam, RashedulThe aim of this project is to make a sine wave instant power supply and analysis the effect of different types of load on home appliances. There are many types of Instant power supply (IPS) in the market. Most of these outputs are PWM and the efficiency of these are less than sine wave IPS. But the sine wave instant power supply (IPS) are costly than other instant power supply. The instant power supply mainly contain with two parts. The first one is inverter part which convert 12VDC to 220VAC.The second part is battery charging part which charge the DC source. The output from the inverter part is sine wave. The efficiency of this sine wave instant power supply is better because output of the other instant power supply is square wave. This instant power supply is cost effective than other types of instant power supply.Item Design and Implementation of a Wireless Multi-meter(IIUC Central Library, 2012-11) Hossain, Md.Shahed; Uddin, Md. Jashim; Chowdhury, Md. Shoyaibur RahmanA wireless multi meter is an instrument used to measure the current, voltage, frequency and power at a load from a distance. In this project a wireless multi meter was designed which consisted of two major parts: 1) Measuring Section Module and 2) Remote Display Module. Measuring Section Module consisted of three major section which are i) signal input, ii) Micro controller, iii) RF transmitter whereas the remote display module also consisted of three parts i) RF Receiver, ii) Microcontroller and iii) LCD Display Module. At first the signal under measurement, was converted to a 6 volt signal through a transformer and was fed to the microcontroller (ATmega8A) input. After all relevant calculations the dc voltage produced by the micro controller was sent through an RF Frequency transmitter module (BX-R433A) having an omnidirectional antenna. The RF receiver module (KSTRX806E), situated at a maximum distance of 150 meters from the transmitter, received the transmitted data and the microcontroller next to it was used to decode the signal intercepted by the receiving antenna. The result of the calculations is then displayed through a 16-bit LCD display module (TM162A). This multi meter was found to measure the values of the voltage, current, power and frequency ranging from (0-250) V, (0-20) A, (0-5000) VA and (0-125) KHz respectively. The main attraction of our designed circuit was the simplicity of the circuit, easiness of implementation and the availability of components required in our country.Item Microcontroller based self guided vehicle(IIUC Central Library, 2013-06) Hossain, Md.Anwar; Sharif, MD. NawajTo facilitate the leaning about Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles (UAV), (SGV) plays an important role. Implementing and designing of a microcontroller based Self Guided Vehicle helps to understand how unmanned vehicle work. Microcontroller acts as a brain of the vehicle which was programmed with the help of common programming language like C. Different kinds of sensor used for avoiding obstacle and feeling the surrounding environment of the vehicle. The movement of the vehicle or selecting the right path is controlled and monitored by the microcontroller. Thus a self controlled vehicle gives the platform to learn controls, robotics and automation.Item Grid Integration of Renewable Energy: Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulated Inverter(IIUC Central Library, 2013-06) Kibria, Syed Golam; Islam, AtiqulMobilizing and generating affordable as well as environment friendly energy resources is one of the key challengers for any nation in today’s world. Today the top priority for Bangladesh is Energy and Power generation. Presently, out of around 161 million populations, only 40-41% has access to electricity. At least to bring the populations into the facility of electricity access as much as possible within the limited resources, we can utilize the natural resources to fulfill this expectation. Using solar or wind energy in association with the power electronics devices, we can supply the electricity to the consumers within their ability and we will be able to minimize the power problem as possible. Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) inverter is the combination of power electronics devices which reduces the major crisis of costs, where costs are the big issue for developing country like Bangladesh. Now-a-days, the integrated circuits (IC) are so reliable and cheap that make the carrying and inverting or converting elements easiest than the bulky and costly instruments used in the conventional power supply system. We expect that the grid integration of the renewable energy resources using pwm inverter may cause a tremendous remark in fulfilling the lack of power utilization across the world.Item عنوان الرسالة: روائع البيان والتوجيهات التربوية في السنة النبوية(2014-01) كامل, محمد مصطفىالحمد لله رب العالمين الذي جعل فوق كل ذي علم عليما، والصلاة والسلام على سيد المرسلين الذي بعث رحمة للعالمين يعلمهم الكتاب والحكمة وإن كانوا من قبل لفي ضلال مبين ، وعلى آله وأصحابه أجمعين ومن تبعهم بإحسان إلى يوم الدين: وبعـــــــــــد إن الحديث النبوي الشريف يمثل المصدر الثاني من مصادر التشريع الإسلامي ولا يمكن لأحد من الناس الادعاء أن الإسلام يكتفي بالقرآن الكريم ، وينسي أن السنة النبوية أساس لا يمكن تحت أي ظرف تجاوزه ، إنها جزء أساسي من التشريع ، وتفسير له وتفصيله . والحديث الشريف كالقرآن الكريم يجري على سنن العرب في كلامها بحفوله بالأساليب والفنون العربية التي وقفنا عليها من خلال مباحث البلاغيين، إلا أن هذه الأساليب والفنون تأتي في البيان النبوي كما في القرآن الكريم على الصورة التي تتساوق فيها الفكرة مع الفن التعبيري على أدق وجه، فكل لفظة أو جملة أو فقرة لا تجدها تنبو عن موضعها، ولا يسع أحداً أن يخيلها عن ذلك الموضع أو يستبدل بها غيرها لتكون أوفي دلالة وأشد إحكاماً. ترقى البلاغة النبوية إلى أعلى مدارج الكمال البشري في حسن التأتي للمعاني بأدق ما يمكن أن تؤديه المفردات والجمل من دلالات ومعان تقع في النفوس موقعاً بالغاً من التأثير ما لا تنقضي عجائبه ولا يذهب بروائعه ورونقه تقادم العهد وكثرة الترداد وإذا كان من شأن العرب أن يتكلفوا القول صناعة، يحسنها خطيبهم وحكيمهم، فإن الرسول - صلى الله عليه وسلم - يرسل الحديث سليقة وإلهاماً، سليماً مما يعتري كلام الناس من خلل أو اضطراب، أو بعوارض محدثهم من عىّ أو حصر. "وليس أحكام الأداء وروعة الفصاحة وعذوبة المنطق وسلاسة النظم، إلا صفات كانت فيه - صلى الله عليه وسلم - عند أسبابها الطبيعية.... لم يتكلف لها عملاً، ولا ارتاض من أجلها رياضة بل خلق مستكمل الأداة فيها، ونشأ موفر الأسباب عليها، كأنه صورة تامة من الطبيعة العربية" .Item In vitro-In vivo Studies on Drug Interaction Between Ketotifen and Commonly Prescribed Drugs(International Islamic University Chittagong, 2014-06) Sayeed, Mohammed AktarThe objectives of the present study were to investigate the drug-drug interactions between ketotifen fumarate and some commonly prescribed drugs. Their interactions were identified and confirmed by UV, IR, DSC and HPLC followed by TLC. The in vitro results were correlated with in vivo model to see whether the desired drug concentration could attain into the blood stream or not. Finally attempts have been taken to find out the effects of these complexes on the liver and kidney. Each of the drugs absorption was analyzed in the UV-VIS region. The spectra of pure drugs as well as their 1:1, 1:2 and 2:1 mixtures of ketotifen & paracetamol, ketotifen & domperidone, ketotifen & desloratidine, ketotifen & amoxicillin, ketotifen & metformin, ketotifen & chlorpheniramine, ketotifen & theophylline, ketotifen & salbutamol and ketotifen & diclophenac sodium were studied at pHs 0.4, 1.2, 2.0, 2.8, 6.0, 6.8 and 7.4. At both gastric and intestinal pHs, a sharp breakdown was observed in the curves. Similarly when ketotifen was mixed with metformin, a sharp change was observed in the curve at pHs 0.4, 1.2, 2.8 & 7.4 which indicated drug-drug interactions, whereas the absence of such particular breakdown in the curve of ketotifen and metformin mixture at pHs 2.0, 6.0 and 6.8 revealed the absence of drug interactions. Again when various concentrations comprising 1x10 -5 M to 9x10 -5 M of ketotifen were interacted with chlorpheniramine, sharp changes in the curve were observed at pHs 0.4, 6.0 and 6.8, which demonstrated the presence of drug-drug interactions. On the other hand, the absence of breakdown in the curve of ketotifen and chlorpheniramine mixture at pHs 1.2, 2.0, 2.8 and 7.4 revealed the absence of drug interactions. The stability constant values (k = 1x10 -2 ) for the particular interaction was determined by graphical representation of Ardon’s plot. The stability constants of ketotifen & paracetamol (5.67, 6.36, 7.21, 14.84, 17.97, 38.35, 24.79 at pHs 0.4, 1.2, 2.0, 2.8, 6.0, 6.8, 7.4 respectively), ketotifen & domperidone (77.89, 84.27, 10.01, 28.95, 60.23, 21.85, 114.82 at pHs 0.4, 1.2, 2.0, 2.8, 6.0, 6.8, 7.4 respectively), ketotifen & desloratidine (14.54, 14.07, 16.73, 5.56, 17.49, 5.16, 3.06 at pHs 0.4, 1.2, 2.0, 2.8, 6.0, 6.8, 7.4 respectively), ketotifen & theophylline (6.8, 7.4, 3.5, 4.8, 9.6, 5.7, 18.4 at pHs 0.4, 1.2, 2.0, 2.8, 6.0, 6.8, 7.4 respectively) and ketotifen & amoxicillin (19.8, 13.7, 2.30, 35.7, 14.1, 8.3, 51.6 at pHs 0.4, 1.2, 2.0, 2.8, 6.0, 6.8, 7.4 respectively) were found to be relatively higher at gastric and intestinal pHs. This reflects that there might be relatively stronger complex formation due to interaction between the mentioned drugs. But relatively low stability constant values were seen when the interaction occurred between ketotifen & chlorpheniramine (0.7256, 0.2895, 1.0683, 1.6807, 1.6827, 0.0507, 0.2834 at pHs 0.4, 1.2, 2.0, 2.8, 6.0, 6.8, 7.4 respectively), ketotifen & diclofenac (0.068, 0.057 at pHs 6.8, 7.4 respectively) and ketotifen & metformin (0.03, 0.55, 0.05, 0.01, 0.09, 0.01, 0.77) at pHs 0.4, 1.2, 2.0, 2.8, 6.0, 6.8, 7.4 respectively). If the formation constant is reasonably favorable, two straight lines of different slopes that intersect at a mole ratio corresponding to the mixing ratio in the complex are obtained. In the IR study, the possible interaction between ketotifen fumarate and amoxicillin trihydrate showed characteristic peaks. The peaks of C-Cl (696.33 cm -1 ) was shifted to higher wave number at 703.08 cm -1 and C-O-C group at 1082.11 cm -1 was shifted to higher wave number in the complex at 1099 cm -1 (C-O-C stretching); The peaks of alkenes at 3040 cm -1 was shifted to 3056 cm -1 (=CH). Simultaneously the peaks of isocyanates (-N=C=O) at 2270 cm -1 and carboxylic 3336.99 cm -1 (O-H) were shifted to lower wave numbers in the complex at 2263cm -1 and 3327 cm -1 . On the other hand the interaction between ketotifen fumarate and diclofenac sodium showed that the peaks of acid phosphines at 839.07 cm -1 (P-H stretching) was shifted to higher wave number in the complex at 854.5 cm -1 , the peaks of alkyl halides of 1386.88 cm -1 , amides of 1575.91 cm -1 , amides of 1652.1 cm -1 aromatic group having wave number of 2970.5 cm -1 were showed characteristic peaks in the complexes at 1354.09 cm -1 , 1587.48 cm -1 , 1647.28 cm -1 and 2957 cm -1 respectively. Similarly in case of ketotifen & salbutamol interactions showed characteristic peaks at the peaks of C-H (aromatic group), C-O-C (ether group), C-C (ketone) and O-H (carboxylic acid group) at 838.11 cm -1 , 1085 cm -1 , 1201.7 cm -1 , 2925.17 cm -1 were shifted to higher wave numbers in the complexes at 855.47 cm -1 (C-H stretching), 1099.47 cm -1 (C-O-C stretching), 1224.85 cm -1 (C-C stretching) and 2937.71 cm -1 (O-H). Similarly the interaction between ketotifen and theophylline showed that the peaks of phosphine oxides group at 1180 cm -1 (P=O stretching) and alkenes group at 1378 cm -1 (C-H) were shifted to lower wave numbers in the complex at 1151 cm -1 (P=O stretching) and 1362.77 cm -1 (C-H stretching). On the other hand, peak of amides of 1559.51 cm -1 (N-H stretching) was shifted to higher wave number in the complex at 1588.19 cm -1 (N-H). In the DSC study (ketotifen, domperidone and ketotifen & domperidone mixture) ketotifen exhibited sharp endothermic peak at 193.08 0 C. But the ketotifen-domperidone complex exhibited a sharp new peak at 120.02 0 C (-1.74 mW/mg). On the other hand, DSC of the samples (ketotifen, metformin and ketotifen & metformin mixture) were performed and observed that ketotifen-metformin complex exhibited a sharp new peak at 123.04 0 C (-2.61 mW/mg). But the mixture of ketotifen and theophylline exhibited no sharp peak. The R f values of ketotifen (0.44) and domperidone (0.53) was found to be completely different from ketotifen-domperidone mixture (0.38). The R f values of ketotifen (0.49) and metformin (0.51) was found to be completely different from ketotifen-metformin mixture (0.39) which conclude the stability of the complex for both mixtures. However in case of HPLC the complex which was formed between ketotifen & theophylline and ketotifen & metformin could have been partly dissociated in aqueous medium used to dissolve the sample for HPLC analysis. The multiple comparison table shows that there is a significant difference in absorbances at various mentioned times (30 minutes, 60 minutes, 120 minutes & 180 minutes) to complete the drug interaction between the group that took the single drug as well as mixtures (ketotifen & metformin, ketotifen & paracetamol, ketotifen & salbutamol, ketotifen & amoxicillin, ketotifen & diclofenac) The results were expressed as mean ± SEM values. A probability value less than 0.05 (p < 0.05) was defined to be significant. The results of investigation of hepatotoxicity of combination drug therapy were compared with single drug sample ketotifen. But the groups which receive the combination drug samples ketotifen & metformin (67.5 + 1.44 IU/L) and ketotifen & theophylline (68.5 + 2.5 IU/L) showed a significant increase in SGPOT, and showed a significant decrease of ATPN levels in ketotifen & theophylline mixture (7.0 + 0.07 IU/L) and in ketotifen & metformin mixture (6.13 + 0.73 IU/L). The creatinine concentration was found to be 1.4 mg/dl in case of normal control but it was raised to 3.6 mg/dl when mixture of ketotifen and theophylline was administered. Now we can conclude that the patients having motion sickness and patients who had been suffering from diabetes should take a precaution during coadmintration of ketotifen fumarate & domperidone and ketotifen fumarate & metformin hydrochloride..Item Optimization, Simulation And Control Strategy Of Hybrid Renewable Power System For Base Transceiver Station (BTS) In Bangladesh(IIUC Central Library, 2014-06) Hossain, Md. Emran; Siddiquee, S.M. ShahnewazBase Transceiver station (BTS) is a set of telecommunication network that organized as tower with transmitter and receiver antennas. The function of BTS is power amplification so it can connect the telecom operator networking with customers. Power is the main issue for telecom operators to set up cellular network coverage in remote or isolated areas. Power generation by combining both renewable and conventional sources known as hybrid power generation, can be the most efficient way for electrification of Base transceiver station (BTS). The aim of this thesis is to determine the optimized system configuration of PV based renewable hybrid system for remote off-grid BTS sites as well as grid connected BTS sites in Bangladesh. The possibility of supplying electric energy from solar-wind resources to the BTS is also investigated. For this analysis three case study is considered. We analyzed the possibility of using renewable source for both off-grid and grid connected BTS taking Chittagong as reference site. The final optimization of the renewable based hybrid system is carried out through Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewable (HOMER) software to find out that whether the system is feasible or not for proper electrification in the BTS.Item A Study to Set up Hybrid Recharging Station for E-Vehicles As Bangladesh perspective(IIUC Central Library, 2014-09) Mitra, Raktim; Ahmed, Syed BahauddinRenewable energy resources can play an important role in a developing country like Bangladesh. In Bangladesh the electric vehicles powered by rechargeable batteries are becoming popular day by day but it is a matter of great regret that a big amount of power is being used daily to recharge their batteries at the recharging stations. As Bangladesh faces acute power crisis this is a big challenge. This paper has proposed a PV based recharging station for electric vehicles and made a detail analysis on it.Item A thesis on Robust Droop Controller for Accurate Proportional Load Sharing among Parallel Operated Inverters in Islanded Microgrid.(IIUC Central Library, 2015-05) Mohiuddin, Abdullah al; Mola, Md. AsrafulA microgrid is a part of a distribution network embedding multiple distributed generation systems like photovoltaic panels, small wind turbines etc. and storage systems. This paper focuses on the islanded operation of microgrids. In this mode of operation, the micro-sources are required to operate autonomously to regulate the local grid voltage and frequency. To make voltage and frequency stable, there have several control method in microgrid. The conventional droop control is typically used to achieve this autonomous voltage and frequency regulation. But conventional droop control has real and reactive power sharing limitations. To share the load accurately in proportion to their power ratings two condition should have met. The condition are the droop controllers must have same per unit output impedance and have same voltage set-point for the inverters. But it is difficult to meet in practice. In this paper, the inherent limitations of the conventional droop control scheme are revealed. That’s why robust droop controller is proposed which can share the load accurately without meeting the above conditions. It also help to reduce voltage drop due to load effect and droop effect. The robust works against numerical errors, disturbances, parameter drifts and component mismatches. In simulation part, the output shows the proportional load sharing among inverters.Item DESIGNING AN IC LAYOUT FOR BANGLA ALPHABET CHARACTER(IIUC Central Library, 2015-07) MOJUMDER, A.T.M. FAZLE RABBI; BISWAS, KALLOLThis thesis discusses the design of an integrated circuit layout for Bangla Alphabet character. Due to concerns of cost, power loss and design complexity the IC based Bangla Alphabet character display become more popular over the other method. Such as microcontroller based method. There are a little work done on the field of IC based Bangla Alphabet character technology. In this thesis we have tried to propose an IC which is capable to make all the Bangla alphabet character. In order to produce the layout, the basic knowledge of fabrication process and IC design rule are expounded. The complete layout of the IC was designed based on its schematic circuit, diagram which consists of NOT gate, 5-input AND gate, 2-input and 3-input and 5-input OR gate. The layout has undergone design rule checker by MICROWIND. Both layout and schematic circuit of the IC were than simulated through MICROWIND and DSCH to ensure they were identical. The both simulated output of IC should be essentially identical and should match the theoretical results. All Bangla vowel and consonant can be characterized through our proposed IC.